EBU is currently reviewing the lyrics of Israel’s Eurovision 2024 song while KAN refuses to make any changes

The EBU claims that it has not yet finished reviewing the song’s lyrics in order to approve Israel’s Eurovision 2024 song, which is reportedly titled “October Rain”, so it seems that the country’s is currently uncertain. However, the country’s public broadcaster insists that Eden Golan, who will represent Israel in the competition, does not plan to change the song’s lyrics.

According to YNET, the EBU is debating whether to disqualify Eden’s song—and hence, Israel’s entry for Eurovision 2024—because it carries political overtones. The song “October Rain” alludes to the events of October 7, 2023, specifically the terrorist attack on Israeli territory by Hamas.

The official response from the EBU and Israel’s public television arrived a little while ago, and rather than making things clearer, it made things more confusing.

The EBU has not made an official decision yet

In an official statement, the EBU said that the review of the lyrics of the song has not been completed and that they are in contact with the CAN to resolve the issue.

The song’s lyrics are presently being examined; this is a confidential process that is being carried out between the public broadcaster and the EBU until a decision is made. The deadline for all broadcasters to officially submit their songs is March 11. As per the competition rules, KAN is allowed to submit a new song or new lyrics if a song fails to match the requirements for whatever reason.

KAN does not consider changing the song

KAN opposes this possibility, saying that withdrawing in such a situation is a one-way choice, even though it is possible to change the lyrics if they are deemed political.

“KAN” is in discussions with the EBU. It is important to mention that the Israel Broadcasting Corporation has no plans to change the song. In other words, Israel will not be allowed to compete in the contest that will take place in Sweden in May if it is not permitted by the European Broadcasting Union.

The country’s government appears to support the aforementioned decision, as stated by Culture Minister Miki Zohar, who asked the supervisory authority to make the decision without taking political considerations into account. Zohar clarified in his statements that he finds it unacceptable that the EBU does not approve the song’s lyrics.

The intention of the European Broadcasting Union to exclude the Israeli song from Eurovision is scandalous. The song of Israel, which will be performed by Eden Golan, is a moving song that expresses the feelings of the people and the country these days and is not political.I call on European Broadcasting to continue to act professionally and neutrally and not to let politics influence music.

Stay tuned on Eurovisionfun for all the Eurovision 2024 updates!

Sources: EBU, KAN

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