
Eurovision 2024: Activists protest Israel’s Eurovision Participation outside Malmö City Hall

Long live Palestine!” and “Israel is a terror state” – these slogans resounded outside Malmö City Hall as vocal activists gathered to influence the city’s politicians during the municipal board meeting earlier today, Wednesday, coinciding with the municipal executive board’s consideration of a citizen’s proposal to halt Israel‘s participation in Eurovision.

Today, the board will take a position on citizens’ initiatives aimed at stopping Israel‘s participation in the competition in May. The City of Malmö‘s government has already made it clear on several occasions – it is not up to the municipality to stop countries from participating.

“But they can do something. In that case, the City of Malmö should make a statement that Israel is not welcome in Malmö.”

says Yomn Kadoura, spokesperson for the network Stop Israel to TT and adds:

“And that they send emails to the EBU and say that Israel is not welcome at Eurovision!”

The Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Malmö between 7 and 11 May, and the war between Israel and Hamas has stirred up strong feelings around Europe regarding the music competition. Sydsvenskan has previously reported that Tarabband, Crying Day Care Choir, and Nevergreens have canceled their concerts. Yesterday, Medina also announced their resignation.

The fact that the festivities are surrounded by growing criticism is a concern for the host city. Karin Karlsson, the main project manager for the City of Malmö‘s hosting, told TT last week.

“We want a Malmö where we come out of this in one piece.” 

Stay tuned on Eurovisionfun for all the news regarding this year’s Eurovision Song Contest to be held this May in Malmö, Sweden and any updates regarding its planning!

Source: Anna Karolina Eriksson/TT
Photo: Per Pixel Petersson/

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