
Luxembourg: The public will get to vote in the new national final!

Dave Gloesener, head of the Eurovision project at RTL, said in an interview that the country’s TV audience will “have a say” in Luxembourg’s new national final, which returns after a 30-year absence at Eurovision 2024.

The show, which will take place on 27 January 2024 and mark Luxembourg’s return to Eurovision, will give viewers the opportunity to participate in the selection process of the artist who will represent the Grand Duchy in Malmö, Sweden.

Speaking to Delano, Gloesener says the decision to hold a national final in Luxembourg was made “without thought”:

“We have been away for a long time and it is important to bring Luxembourg to Eurovision in the right way.”

He also confirmed that the show, which will be held at the Rockhal in Esch-sur-Alzette, will be broadcast live online with commentary in three different languages.

Eric Lehmann, Eurovision project coordinator at RTL, believes that hosting the show is an opportunity for Luxembourg to be seen on the international stage – and the benefits are already being felt:

“Our return to Eurovision has received very positive feedback worldwide and there is also incredible interest in our national selection. The reactions have been extremely encouraging, it’s a source of great pride.”

Luxembourg’s return will not be temporary. After 30 years away from the show and 40 years since the nation last won the contest, Gloesener believes it’s time for Luxembourg to leave its mark on Eurovision again:

“We aim to do very well in the Eurovision Song Contest next year and turn a new page in Eurovision for Luxembourg. We are here to stay.”

Source: Delano