
Andorra: No official decision regarding Eurovision 2024 yet!

Despite yesterday’s news (here) that Andorra is not going to return in the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö, it seems that an official decision is yet to be made.

The national broadcaster of the small principality of the Pyrenees, RTVA, announced today that there is an ongoing evaluation and study of the the country’s return to the competition and that no decision has been made yet. The final decision on the country’s participation or not in the upcoming competition in May 2024 in Malmö will be decided shortly.

Andorra debuted in the competition in 2004 and participated continuously until 2009. So far, it is the only country in the history of the competition not to have participated in the final round as all the entries failed to qualify from the semi-finals. In 2007 the country came closer to qualifying than ever by finishing in 12th place in the one and only semi-final and perhaps the most difficult in the history of the contest as 28 countries were vying for the 10 final tickets.

In the following videos you can remember the participation of 2007 and the last participation of 2009.

Source: ESCToday

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Liechtenstein: The channel 1 FL TV rules out debuting in Eurovision 2024!

As we can see, Liechtenstein will not be making its Eurovision Song Contest debut, not even in 2024, in Malmo, Sweden.

The country’s public broadcaster, 1 FL TV, confirmed a while ago to ESC Today, that they will not be participating this year either. Liechtenstein faces more problems than other countries in joining the Contest, as the channel must first become a member of the EBU.

The rules of the competition, as they currently stand, only allow members of the European Broadcasting Union to participate. As joining the Union would add additional costs to its participation, especially for a small country, Liechtenstein has not participated in the Contest so far.

In the early 2010s, Liechtenstein had shown interest in taking part in the Contest, as the then director of 1 FL TV, Peter Kolbel, wanted his country to join Eurovision. However, the whole process stopped when Kolbel passed away four years ago.

Managing Director of the Liechtenstein’s broadcaster Sandra Woldt has confirmed back in 2022, that they are no longer interested in joining the European Broadcasting Union and so competing in Eurovision, as one of their aims. Sandra Woldt said in a statement that:

“We are no longer pursuing this goal, we are concentrating on our reporting in and for Liechtenstein.”

This means that, based on the information we have so far, we will not see a new country making its debut in the competition this year either. The last country to debut was Australia, back in 2015.


Portugal: Participation confirmed for Malmö 2024!

Portugal will be present at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 in Malmö, Sweden.

A few minutes ago it became known through the official account of the Festival da Canção on Instagram that the country of the Iberian Peninsula will compete this time on Swedish soil, something that had not happened after the 1992 Competition and then in Malmö. For the record, Portugal due to poor results and financial reasons had decided to stay away from the 2000, 2013 and 2016 competitions which coincidentally took place in Sweden.

As far as the Festival da Canção 2024 is concerned, 20 songs will compete, of which 14 will be selected following an invitation by the country’s national broadcaster RTP to creators of various music genres, while the remaining six will be selected through the submission process . The submission process for original and unpublished songs is open from today until October 15, 2023. All Portuguese citizens or residents, including Portuguese living outside Portugal, as well as citizens of other nationalities residing in Portugal, can apply for these 6 positions. The selection of these six songs will be done by submitting the tracks to RTP. These tracks must be available by filling out the form available here.

In this year’s contest in Liverpool the country was represented by Mimicat and her song “Ai coração” which finished 23rd in the Grand Final receiving 59 points.

Source: RTP

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United Kingdom: The end of the collaboration between TaP and BBC!

The TaP Music record company will not collaborate with BBC for Eurovision 2024!

Through a post on the official account of TaP Music on X (former Twitter) it was announced that the record company will not be involved to the preparation of the British entry at the upcoming 2024 contest after a partnership with BBC the last two years.

The entries of the United Kingdom for the 2022 and 2023 contest respectively had emerged through the collaboration between TaP and BBC. In 2022 the UK managed to return shortly back to their glory days after Sam Ryder and his song Space Man finished in the 2nd place having scored 466 points. However the UK landed abruptly back to the bottom of the scoreboard as Mae Muller and her entry I Wrote a Song did not confirm the odds who wanted them in the first ten places. She ended up 25th with 24 points.

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Ukraine: Eurovision 2024 participation confirmed!

Ukraine is going to take part in the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö Sweden.

Suspilne, the national broadcaster of the country, confirmed not only the presence of Ukraine in the 2024 contest, but also the organising of a national final show, which is probably going to be Vidbir 2024.

Ukraine is one of the most successful countries in the modern history of the contest, having won it on three occasions, in 2004, in 2016 and in 2022. It is worth to be mentioned that Ukraine is the only country that has never so far failed to qualify to the Grand Final of Eurovision.

The nation insists on taking part at the contest despite the ongoing war conflict with Russia since February 2022. The Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy considers Eurovision as a means of enhancing and maintaining the awareness of Ukraine’s fight to sustain their sovereignty.

In the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool the country was represented by the duo Tvorchi and the song “Heart of Steel” and ended up in the 6th place having received in total 243 points.

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Source: ESC Portugal

Israel: The hosts and the jury members of The Next Star announced!

Today the names of the hosts and the jury members of The Next Star, the show through which Israel is going to select their next representative at the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö, Sweden, were announced.

The hosts of the show are going to be Assi Azar and Rotem Sela, who have done so since 2014. The member of the jury panel are Shiri Maimon, Itay Levy, Assaf Amdorsky, Ran Dankar and Keren Pels, while Aden Hasson is the new addition.

The production of the upcoming series of The Next Star has already begun. Keshet 12, the broadcaster of the show, has already started the filming of the auditions process which will be aired in September, while the the live shows are expected to commence in November.

The Next Star returns as the Eurovision selection process after a hiatus of three years. It had been used from 2015 until 2020.

This year Israel was represented in 2023 Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool by Noa Kirel and the song “Unicorn” who after an explosive performance, she managed to bring the Middle Eastern nation in the 3rd place of the Grand Final with a total of 362 points.

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Source: Euromix

Eurovision 2024: Which country wants less power to the Juries?

Norway does not like at all the fact that every year the amount of points from the juries is smaller than that of the tele-voting, thus opening a big discussion on this matter. The cause of course was the huge discrepancy that occurred this year, in the voting of the television audience in relation to that of the national juries, after the latter overturned the final result and gave the victory to Loreen and Tatoo.

Stig Karlsen, head of the Norwegian delegation to the Eurovision contest, has revealed that his country’s public television is going to propose changing the scoring system, by limiting the voting of the juries.

In his interview on the Eurovíziós Podcast, Stig Karlsen justifies the above, saying that he believes that people’s interest in the contest will decrease if they see that their favorite song does not take first place.

Although he considers the existence of critical committees necessary, he suggests a change of the balance to 40% or even 30% of the final result, with the remaining percentage determined by the voting of the television audience.

“The juries system at Eurovision should definitely be evaluated and the discussion is very welcome. There has been a difference (in the results) between the jury and the public vote in the past, but this year it was extremely wide. The people obviously had a different winner. The fact that a jury of 185 people should have as much power as millions of viewers is questionable”

At this point we remind you that Finland gained 376 points in the tele-voting, with Loreen receiving respectively only 243. On the other hand Sweden received 340 points, with Finland gaining only 150 in the jury voting.

The whole jury system has had a great repercussion on Norway during the last year. The highlight was the 2019 Norwegian entry with KEiiNO who despite winning the tele-voting at the grand final, the juries allocated them only 18th!

Any change to the contest’s voting system must first be approved by the Reference Group, which is expected to convene next January to approve the regulations for Eurovision 2024.

Source: Eurovíziós Podcast

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The Netherlands: AVROTROS opens songs submission and announces new Head of Delegation!

The national broadcaster of the Netherlands, AVROTROS, made two important Eurovision related announcements today.

The first announcement is about the selection method for the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 in Malmö, Sweden. For a 12th consecutive year, the broadcaster chooses the internal selection, with the songs submissions commencing today until the 30th of September. The only change this time is that the songs do not have to have set artists.

The second announcement is about the position of the Head of Delegation. AVROTROS stated that the position of the Head of Delegation was appointed to Twan van de Nieuwenhuijzen who is also going to be the chairman of the Dutch selection committee.

In his previous position he was the Head of Contest for the EBU during Eurovision 2021, 2022, and 2023.

This year the Kingdom of the Netherlands was represented in Liverpool by Mia Nicolai and Dion Cooper and the song “Burning Daylight”.  They ended up in the 13th place of the First Semi-Final, receiving only 7 points and thus failing to qualify to the Grand Final.

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Luxembourg: Ready to host Eurovision 2025!

A few days before the Eurovision 2024 selection process announcement, the Prime Minister of Luxembourg again commented on the return of the Grand Duchy to the contest.

Xavier Bettel who is in addition to Prime Minister and Minister of Media and Communications gave an interview to RTL about the return of this small nation of Central Western Europe to the Eurovision Song Contest. He believes that Eurovision offers the possibility for Luxembourg to increase its international visibility and develop its creative and music industry.

In addition, Mr. Bettel confirmed that in the event of Luxembourg winning by returning in 2024, the country is ready to host the contest in 2025. For Xavier Bettel, hosting the Eurovision Song Contest would be positive for Luxembourg as it would offer huge opportunities for the touristic industry in the country.

Regarding participation in Eurovision 2024, the Prime Minister revealed additional details ahead of the official announcements expected on 3 July. He explained that the representative should have a “Luxembourgish cultural background”. This comment implies that artists from outside Luxembourg’s borders can also represent the country in Sweden.

The last participation of Luxembourg was in 1993 in Millstreet of Ireland when the small nation was represented by the group Modern Times and the song “Donne-moi une chance”sung in French and Luxembourgish. At the end of the show the country finished 20th with only 11 points.


Source: RTL

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Austria: Internal Selection for 2024!

For a seventh consecutive year ORF, the national broadcaster of Austria, decided to go internal for the selection of the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest in Sweden! The last time that Austria held a national selection show was in 2016 through the show “Wer Singt für Österreich?” 

Stefanie Groiss-Horowitz, the program director of ORF, stated that they are still looking for the exact method that the internal selection will be carried out. He also revealed why a national selection show is not an option.

“We already have a big talent show in the ORF 1 program with “Die große Chance – Let’s sing and dance”.

This year Austria was represented at Liverpool by Teya & Salena and the song “Who the Hell is Edgar?” which brought the country back to the final after 2018 and finished in the 15th place with 120 points.

Stay tuned on Eurovisionfun for all the news regarding the Eurovision Song Contest 2024, in Sweden!

Source: Kleine Zeitung