
Eurovision Latin America: Preparations continue!

Through one of the biggest Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet it became known that the preparations for Eurovision Song Contest Latin America continue.

In more detail, upon the announcement that Christer Björkman will be the producer of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 in Malmö, he also referred to the Latin American version of the contest, commenting that he works simultaneously for both projects.

At this point we remind you that the very first announcement for the Eurovision Song Contest Latin America took place in July 2022 (here) and the project is carried out by Voxovation with which Christer Björkman and Anders Lenhoff, Ola Melzig, Peter Settman and Greg Lipstone, who also worked on the American Song Contest and the Eurovision Song Contest Canada, collaborate with.

Source: Aftonbladet

Stay tuned on Eurovisionfun for all the updates around the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest!

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Eurovision: The contest is heading to Latin America!

After the completion of the inaugural American Song Contest and the announcement that Eurovision Canada is in the making (here), the EBU posted on the Eurovision official Instagram account that the Song Contest is going to Latin America!

At the moment the format of the upcoming contest is unknown, while information regarding hosting and the participants is expected later this year.

What do you think about the new version of the Eurovision Song Contest? Will it take place or will it have the fait of the Asian version? Let us now your thought in the comments.

Stay tuned on EurovisionFun for all the updates regarding Eurovision Latin America!