
Azerbaijan: 154 entries submitted to İctimai Television for Eurovision 2025!

The national broadcaster of Azerbaijan, İctimai Television, announced back in August that it will be participating in Eurovision 2025. Then, for those who wanted to compete in Eurovision 2025, a submission window was opened.

154 entries were submitted to İctimai Television in total, as it was revealed after the submission window closed on September 15.


Notably, the broadcaster observed an increase in the number of Azerbaijani composers expressing interest; last year, their participation rate was 43%; this year, it is 49%, accounting for nearly half of the submissions.

What’s next?

Although, there is no further information about the progress of this selection stage, it seems that İTV will first review the entries submitted. Then and if last year’s procedure is followed, we can assume that the broadcaster will test its Eurovision candidates’ vocal and performance skills. The candidate who has the best song and can deliver it vocal and performance wise, will be the one to represent the nation to Basel.

Fahree and Ilkin Dovlatov, were İTV’s picks for Eurovision 2024 with their song “Özünlə apar”. Unfortunately, the duo did not manage to qualify for the Grand Final for the second consecutive year.

Stay tuned to EurovisionFun for all the news!

Source: ıctimaieurovision

Azerbaijan: With Fahree and Ilkin Dovletov to Eurovision 2024!

Regardless the official Eurovision announcement revealing Fahree as Azerbaijan’s representative in Eurovision 2024, Ictimai Television has a surprise for us.

As Fahree revealed via his official Instagram account, he will not be alone in the Azerbaijani representation in Eurovision 2024. Instead, Ilkin Dovletov will join him. Hence, this year we have two male performers as a duo for Azerbaijan.


Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.


Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Fahree I. (@itsfahree)


In his Instagram post, Fahree expressed his gratitude to Ilkin Dovletov for realizing the idea he had in his heart and head by adding “colors” to his rendition of the Mugham section of the song. For those who are not aware, one of Azerbaijan’s numerous classical and traditional musical compositions is Mugham.

In fact, Ilkin Dovletov was a participant of this year’s internal selection for Azerbaijan. Along with Mila Miles and Etibar Asaldi, they were one of the six shortlisted acts for Eurovision 2024.

Who is Ilkin Dovletov?

Ilkin Dovletov was a finalist in the “Voice of Azerbaijan, Native Songs” competition and rose to fame in Azerbaijan as a result of his performances. He toured foreign countries, performed at numerous festivals and concerts, and promoted his country’s national music. It should be noted that Ilkin Dovletov has been a favorite of Eurovision fans since his appearance in “Voice of Azerbaijan”.

Stay tuned to EurovisionFun for all the news!