
Eurovision 2024: The risk of a terrorist attack brings very strict police measures | Eurocafe is changing location!

The 68th Eurovision Song Contest is expected to take place under strict police security measures. Strong police forces are vowing to create a safe environment around the Eurovision 2024 venues, while the city is expecting 100,000 visitors during the contest, many of them anti-Israel protesters.

Traffic regulations and strict measures in Malmö for Eurovision 2024

The choice of Malmö as the host city of this year’s competition is turning into a headache for the Swedish organizers. Malmö is home to the country’s largest Muslim community, numbering 70,000 members, while pro-Palestinian demonstrations are a daily occurrence.

The fact that the EBU normally allowed Israel to participate in Eurovision 2024 polarized the climate even more. Large rallies are already being prepared during the competition, against Israel’s presence and participation in this year’s music competition.

The police on the other hand are feverishly preparing to ensure a smooth and peaceful Eurovision 2024.

Security is very high, municipal police officer Göran Holmberg announced to 180 businessmen – from hotel and restaurant owners to real estate companies – when they were briefed by the police and the city of Malmö on Wednesday. These are those who maintain their business in Hyllie – the area where the arena is located and the competition is housed.

We would appreciate it if you could see a strange figure, but we have nothing to indicate anything at the moment, he says of the possible threat image.

Στους δρόμους του Μάλμε θα εμφανιστούν αστυνομικοί με όπλα ενίσχυσης.

Another failure for Eurovision week in Malmö

As if all the above was not enough, another failure came to be added to the puzzle that the Swedish organizers have to solve. The Moorish pavilion in which the Eurocafe was to be housed, i.e. the place where the friends of the competition gather, while the artists also visit it and parallel events take place, was withdrawn from the organization.

Our assessment is that we can risk our future if we go through with the deal, Moriskan CEO Ozan Sunar tells Sydsvenskan.

The decision was taken due to the risk of closing the entire Folkets Park, where the Moorish pavilion is located, if the security situation requires it. All the money Moriskan invests in staff, guards and artists for the Euro Fan Café will then be lost, explains Ozan Sunar. Now Eurocafe will be housed in Admiral, which is very close. The Moorish stand will remain completely closed.

Now the home of the fans will be the Admiral, which is very close. The Moorish will be completely shut out.

Το μαυριτανικό περίπτερο στο πάρκο Folkets στο Μάλμε θα φιλοξενούσε το Euro Fan Café για τους ταξιδιώτες θαυμαστές της Eurovision. Αλλά ο κίνδυνος να αναγκαστεί να κλείσει το πάρκο για λόγους ασφαλείας σημαίνει ότι ο Moriskan αποσύρεται.

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