HaKokhav Haba 2024

Israel: Tonight the semi-final of HaKochav HaBa – Eurovision 2024 Edition!

With the quarterfinals behind us, “HaKochav HaBa – Eurovision 2024 Edition” is set to enter a crucial phase—the semifinals. The remaining five contestants, Mika Moshe, Or Cohen, Dor Shmaon, Shai Tamino, and Eden Golan, are gearing up for a night that could propel them closer to representing Israel at Eurovision 2024.

We recall that the presenters of HaKochav HaBa are Assi Azar and Rotem Sela who have been in this position since 2014, while the jury members are Shiri Maimon, Itay Levy, Assaf Amdorsky, Ran Dankar and Keren Pels with a new addition being Eden Hasson.

The Selection Process

A few days ago, the Israeli public broadcaster revealed that the final of “HaKokhav Haba” will take place on February 6, where the Israeli representative for Eurovision 2024 will be chosen. The selection process involves four contestants competing in the grand final for the ticket to Malmo, Sweden. The winner will be determined through a combination of audience votes and of a judging panel.

The broadcaster, KAN, has extended an invitation to a diverse range of Israeli creators to submit songs for the winner of “HaKokhav Haba” to perform at Eurovision 2024. A crucial requirement for this year’s submissions is that the songs must include Hebrew lyrics.

At least 30 creators will propose their songs for the winner of “HaKokhav Haba,” and the participants have the option to submit up to two songs each by February 11. All creators must hold Israeli citizenship, and foreign creators are not allowed to participate. The submitted songs will be presented anonymously to a seven-member selection committee.

The committee will evaluate the songs based on professional criteria such as the quality and originality of lyrics and melody, the suitability of the song for the artist, its appropriateness for the Eurovision competition, the likelihood of the song’s success in Eurovision, its suitability for representing the broadcaster as a public radio and television entity, the overall impression the song leaves, and other relevant criteria.

If the committee does not find a suitable song, it has the option to issue a call to the general public for additional song submissions or choose a song that has been published after September 1, or select a song from other submissions made for Israel’s participation in Eurovision between 2021 and 2023.

The winning song will undergo processing, recording, and clip production for the song’s unveiling, scheduled for a special broadcast in late February or early March.

The Semifinalists

Before diving into the anticipation of the semifinals, let’s recap the journey of the five talented contestants who have made it this far and who will fight for one out of the four tickets for the Grand Final on February 6:

  1. Mika Moshe: Mika, the 16-year-old sensation, won hearts with her rendition of “Yasmin” in the quarterfinals. Known for her unique blend of innocence and maturity, Mika’s powerful vocals make her a formidable contender. As she advances to the semifinals, all eyes are on Mika to see how she continues to captivate both the audience and judges.
  2. Or Cohen: Or Cohen’s emotionally charged performance of “If I Could” dedicated to her mother resonated deeply in the quarterfinals. Positioned as a frontrunner with heartfelt performances and strong vocal abilities, the semifinals offer Or the chance to showcase her versatility and make a lasting impression.
  3. Dor Shmaon: Dor Shmaon’s unexpected and moving approach to “Amen for My Children” garnered praise from the judges in the quarterfinals. Renowned for his unique style and vocal prowess, Dor aims to continue surprising the audience in the semifinals, competing for the opportunity to represent Israel on the Eurovision stage.
  4. Shai Tamino: Shai Tamino’s powerful rendition of “I’ll Stand By You” dedicated to her extended family showcased her emotional depth and vocal strength in the quarterfinals. As she advances to the semifinals, Shai is prepared to maintain her composure and deliver another impactful performance amidst the intensifying competition.
  5. Eden Golan: Eden Golan’s choice of “You Raise Me Up” dedicated to her grandmother left a lasting impression in the quarterfinals. With exceptional vocal skills and a strong stage presence, Eden is a force to be reckoned with. As she enters the semifinals, expectations are high, and Eden is poised to deliver yet another stellar performance.

As the tension rises and the competition gets tougher, tonight’s episode promises to be an unforgettable night of music, emotion, and fierce competition. Stay tuned for our post-semifinal analysis, where we’ll break down the performances, judge feedback, and the contestants’ journey toward Eurovision glory. The race to become Israel‘s representative for Eurovision 2024 is reaching its climax—don’t miss a moment of this musical spectacle!

You can watch the HaKochav HaBa Eurovision 2024 Edition Semi-Final at 2o:30 CET through the Israeli channel, Keshet 12, by clicking here (subscription fee) or here (free).

Last year Israel at Eurovision 2023 in Liverpool was represented by the sensational Noa Kirel and her song “Unicorn” which gave the Middle Eastern country the third place in the Grand Final with 362 points.

Stay tuned to Eurovisionfun for all the developments regarding Israel’s participation in Eurovision 2024, in Malmö!

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