Chelsea Muco: “Expect a very, confident vibe. And I will flirt a lot with you guys on camera.” | Exclusive Interview

Andreas Papayiannakis and EurovisionFun is accredited by SVT to follow the Melodifestivalen tour for a third year in-a-row. In Stockholm we got the chance to meet a few people involved in this year’s Melodifestivalen. Among those was Chelsea Muco who had us over at LoudKult HQ on an extensive interview, in the studio where she gets to spend many hours of her daily life.

Her surname is pronounced “Mucho” and not “Muko“. I would definitely pronounce it incorrectly, if we hadn’t discuss this beforehands. She is a fresh face at the world of Melodifestivalen, but now we get to meet her. Chelsea Muco is here with the song “Controlla“. Chelsea is one of the most successful Afrobeat singers at the moment in Sweden she will be using the platform of Melodifestivalen to become well known outside of Sweden. What should people know about her?

“I think that’s like a very wide question, but I’ve always been doing music and I love to be out there and spread my music because that’s what I’ve been working on and that’s what I do best. My style of music is Afrobeat. But lately, I’ve been doing a little fusion, a little pop a mix of the good stuff.”

What should we expect from “Controlla“? She tells us more about her participation this year:

“‘Controlla’ is a lot of dance moves. We will give a show, prepare yourselves to see colours, happiness because what I do think and like my thing is, I don’t like to be on stage only me. I like to bring people. I like to have dancers. I like to have a DJ. I’m very challenged right now, really, because I am not used to dancing. I love dancing, but you know, this time it’s dance on cameras, you know, it’s like a whole different thing. But I’m ready. I do think that we got this.”

She has worked a lot at LoudKult HQ studios that hosted us for the interview. She tells us more about the people behind this contribution:

“For the song, I worked with Pa Modou. He’s one of the writers, and Elsa Carmona as well, and then me. We wrote the song, and then we have, Fernand MP, and Karl Flyckt. So, we are six people total on this song. And Anderz Wrethov, he is really well known. He knows what he’s doing. He’s so talented.”

They wrote the song privately and not at a songwriting camp. They did two sessions with Anderz in Malmö. There were six people, two were producing, Chelsea was performing in the booth and as she says “there was a magical rotation in everything” they did that day. Chelsea is in a really strong heat in Karlstad. Is there any one of her fellow-contestants that she is looking forward to?

“Marcus & Martinus will deliver because their stage performance is always on point, their voice and the whole appearance, they are really good, and I do think Medina as well they’re really, really good. And I do actually think Danny Saucedo, he got it. And Adam.”

What are her expectations about her participation at Mello?

“My expectation is to have a great time. You know, literally, my first thing is to live in the moment. Because when you do such a big thing, or reach the milestone in your life or in your career, I do think that you tend to easily forget because it’s a lot of things happening and they drag you here, they drag you there, you just flow.”

Finally Chelsea gives her own message to those people that would like to get to know her and her music:

“Expect a very, confident vibe. And I will flirt a lot with you guys on camera, expect that as well. But in the end of the day, be ready to feel the warmth during cold seasons, because “Controla” is really here to make a show.”

You can watch our exclusive interview with Chelsea Muco at the video down below:

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