Estonia: The detailed results and viewership of Eesti Laul 2024!

On Saturday night, the national final of Estonia, Eesti Laul 2024, came to an end, and 5miinust & Puuluup are the lucky ones to fly the Estonian flag in Malmö with the song “(nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) meda”. So today the Estonian public broadcaster, EER, announced the detailed results of the semi-final and final, of Eesti Laul 2024.

The detailed results of the semi-final

The results of the first round of the semi-final

The results of the second round of the semi-final

With the combined results of the first round of the semi-final the three qualifiers to the final were Ollie5miinust ja Puuluup και Ewert and The Two Dragons. In the second round the two artists that managed to proceed to the the final were Anet Vaikmaa receiving 1,864 points and Peter Põder receiving 1,413 points.

The detailed results of the final

The results of the first and second round of the final were as per below

5miinust & Puuluup, who were crowned winners of the Estonian final on Saturday, were the favorite song of the public, winning all voting rounds and in the super final they gothered 26,422 points.

Finally, as far as viewership is concerned, 183 thousand watched the first part of the final of Eesti Laul 2024, which was shown in two parts. The second part was watched by 205 thousand viewers. However, the show remained the most popular TV event in Estonia last week.

Below you can watch our reaction video to the Estonian entry:

Source: ERR

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