EXCLUSIVE: Song writing camp in Greece for Eurovision!

An exclusive news to be discussed. According to the information that we can reveal at this stage at least, a song writing camp will take place in the next few days in Greece, with the sole purpose of producing songs for Eurovision 2025.

For the first time in Greece, a song writing camp will be held for the creation of songs, with the aim of participating in the Eurovision contest. Next week, renowned composers from abroad as well as from Greece, will find themselves in an idyllic place. Their goal is of course the production of songs that could next year participate in the Eurovision contest that will take place in Switzerland.

This particular song writing camp is not about a specific country only, nor of course about an artist. The participation of the creators is a surprise and will cause many discussions.

What we can reveal to you is that among the creators who have been invited from abroad are also songwriters who have won the competition, and quite recently.

Eurovisionfun will be following everything that happens there and will bring you all the details exclusively, so stay tuned here and follow us on all social media!


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