Eurovision 2025: More than 3,000 have applied for volunteers!

More than 3,000 persons have already apllied to become volunteers at the Eurovision Song Contest 2025 in Basel, Switzerland!

One month has already passed since the opening of the applications for volunteers for Eurovision 2025 and more than 3,000 individuals have already signed up. The Event Manager of Basel, Beat Läuchli, explained that he is encouraged by the enthusiasm that Basel has shown so far toward the hosting of the event.

In his interview Beat Läuchli confirmed that the plans for the supporting events related to Eurovision are under way. The city of Basel plans to invite former Eurovision contestants to appear in numerous public event around the city. Further information regarding the hosting plans of Basel are to be announced within the coming months.

As far as the skills of the volunteers are conserned, the knowledge of the German language will be a top priority, but the knowledge of French, Italian, English or any other langyage will also be taken into account. Those interested to apply for volunteers are able to do so, by clicking the link here.

Source: swissinfo

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