Hungary: No Comment on Eurovision Withdrawal by the government
As we told you in our previous article, Hungary will not participate in Eurovision 2020. The A Dal regulations, used since 2012 as Hungary’s national final for Eurovision, did not mention the Eurovision contest, and part of the the regulations were in breach of EBU regulations, which meant that the A Dal 2020 would have nothing to do with the country’s participation in Eurovision. Finally, it was not on the official list of the EBU, with the countries to take part in Rotterdam.
This news has displeased many fans with the demand to learn from MTV, the reasons for its withdrawal from the Music Competition, but Hungary has yet to give an answer.
According to a Hungarian newspaper, Magyar Hang, LMP Green Party MP Péter Ungár has asked the government the reasons of Hungary’s non-participation in this year’s Eurovision.
Foreign Minister Bence Rétvári declined to answer the question, stating:
“No member of the government has the power to review or control the decisions of the public broadcaster – and therefore the production decision referred to in the question”
Magyar Hang notes that the public broadcaster is working hard to achieve Hungarian participation in Eurovision every year. It even assumes that Hungary’s exclusion at Eurovision 2019 is based on that decision.
This is the fourth time Hungary has withdrawn from the Eurovision contest. The first time was in 1999, for six years. It returned in 2005, abstained in 2006 in Athens and returned the following year. Its last absence was in 2010, when for financial reasons the country preferred to stay away.
The best place in the history of the competition is the 4th, when in 1994, it was represented by Friderika Bayer and the song “Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet?”.
Source: wiwibloggs