
Eurovision 2024: Watch live tonight our poll results!

Today is the final station of our poll, since the results follow, which will be announced tonight through a live premiere on the Eurovisionfun channel on YouTube, in collaboration with the Douze Points channel.
The broadcast will take place at 21:00 CET and will be a simulation of a typical Eurovision final. The results will be presented in detail, with each Eurovisionfun editor giving their points, and after the jury votes, the total audience points, determined by you, will be added, in a similar way as in Eurovision. Therefore, 50.6% of the result is determined based on your own vote and the remaining 49.4% by the editors of Eurovisionfun.

You can watch the premiere below:


So, tune into tonight to find out who our winner is!

Eurovision 2024 Poll: Vote for the Grand Final!

After the voting for the two semi-finals,  it is high time for the Grand Final voting.

You can vote until Thursday, April 18, for your 10 favorite songs, voting with points just like in Eurovision, with 12-10-8 for the most favorite respectively, and with 7-1 for the rest of the songs in your top 10 (with 1 point for the song that you have in 10th place).


The results will be announced on Sunday 21/4 through a detailed voting video on our YouTube channel, in collaboration with the Douze Points Youtube channel. 50.6% of the result will be determined based on your own vote and the remaining 49.4% by the editors of Eurovisionfun.

Until then, you can watch last year’s Eurovisionfun voting video:

Who will be the winner?