Norway: Interview with Elsie Bay from Melodi Grand Prix 2022! (Video)

After the announcement of her participation in this year’s national final of NorwayMelodi Grand Prix 2022Elsie Bay talks exclusively to EurovisionFun and George Zefteridis.

Elsie Bay is one of the automatic qualifiers at MGP 2022 finals, that also appeared and performed her song “Death of us“, live at the first semi final.

She mentions that she is really happy about her performance, as that was something she highly anticipated and with regards to the staging of her song, she mentioned that she had to keep it a secret, until she eventually performed it live.

I received quite some positive feedback and really nice messages about my semi-final performance. Currently we are working on my performance for the MGP finals, where there will certainly be some changes. But we’ve not decided on that, yet. 

Death of Us” was born during a songwriting camp where she participated and as she says, she never expected she’d write a song which she would have to perform in the end.

I didn’t expect to compose a song for me, specifically for MGP. Last year, I’d composed the song “Witch Woods” which I decided to give to Emmy, as it suited her quite nicely. This year I had no idea what I could write about, flicked through some of my old notes, mixed and matched and then “Death of Us” came to life. And now I really believe that I got a chance to win the national selection.

From those songs of her competitors, she likes the songs of NorthKidSubwoolferVilde and Farida. Her favourite past Norwegian entry was the winning song “Fairytale” by Alexander Rybak (2009) and generally from the contest the loved last year’s winners Maneskin (Italy 2021), Loreen (Sweden 2012) and Gjon’s Tears (Switzerland 2021).

We couldn’t help but ask her about Amanda Tenfjord that will represent Greece this year, who is also half Norwegian. Elsie commented:

I know Amanda. I’m not sure if we’ve ever met in person, however, I think we’re under the same management. I’ve also worked with her producer, Bjorn. 

A few moments before we had to say goodbye to Elsie Bay, she sang a part of her song for us, acapella.

You can watch the entire exclusive interview of Elsie, one the video below:

You can listen to “Death of Us“, Elsie’s entry at MGP 2022 below!

Stay tuned at EurovisionFun, for all the latest developments regarding Melodi Grand Prix 2022 and the Norwegian entry for this year’s Eurovision Song Contest!

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