Israel: All that happened on HaKokhav Haba’s fifth episode!

On Sunday the 10th of December, the fifth episode of HaKokhav Haba (special edition) was aired, through which the winning artist of the show will gain the opportunity to represent Israel in Eurovision Song Contest 2024.

Three more artists mangaed to qualify to the next stage of HaKhohav Haba still owning the hope to represent Israel in Eurovision. On the fifth episode of the show, three out of the four artists competing managed to qualify. Keep in mind that Assi Azar and Rotem Sela are the show’s hosts since 2014, while the jury’s members are Shiri Maimon, Itay Levi, Assaf Amdorsky, Ran Dankar and Keren Pels while Eden Hasson is the jury’s newest member.

The artists who qualified are the following:

Malki Lipskar

Malki is 26 years old and she was raised within a conservative family. However, her father was the one who encouraged her to become a singer no matter his conservative beliefs. The judges described her performance as “flawless” and everyone voted in favor of her. She qualified for the show’s next stage holding a 95%.

Dor Shimoni

Dor is 29 years old and he has two children. He considers himself as a “mediterranean” artist. The judges were astonished by his performance on very demanding and challenging song vocally. He managed to qualify for the next stage holding a 94%.

Yehuda Sadoo

Yehuda is 40 years old and a father of five children! He is an already known artist among the Israeli audience since his 22 years old when he became the winner of an other TV talent show, “A Star I s Born”. The jury was devided by his performance since some were in favor of him while others were against his qualification. Nevertheless, he qualified for the next stage holding a marginal 73%.

More auditions are going to be performed on HaKokhav Haba‘s next episode, which until now nobody actually knows when it is going to be broadcasted. Via this show, Israel qualified for the Grand Final from 2015 since 2020, while in 2018 Netta was also the winner of that year’s Eurovision singing “Toy“.

Until we find out who is going to reperesent Israel in Eurovision 2024, take a look at its final entry till now for Eurovision 2023 in Liverpool, with Noa Kirel singing “Unicorn” ending up in 3rd place with 362 points:


Stay tuned to Eurovisionfun for even more news!

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