Mileo: I watch the contest every year! | Interview

Mileo from Norway gave an interview to Eurovisionfun’s Apostolis and Paschalis and said that he is a true Eurovision fan and really wants to represent Norway in Eurovision 2024!

How’s the whole MGP experience so far?

A lot of stuff is going on, a lot of rehearsals, so many people messaging me. It’s way better than I had expected it to be.

Some things about him

I’m Australian-Norwegian, my dad comes from Oslo and I grew up half time here half time there. When you live in Sydney, which is incredibly multicultural, you end up with a group of people from somewhere else, so you never feel out of place.

The message of the song

When you like someone but they are with someone else and then you think how can I get rid of them? The character is crazy and wants to do whatever it takes to be with that person.
I wrote the song just for my project, the character of Mileo, who is a likable villain character. We sent the song and it was selected. It stands out and it’s great that they liked it enough so it is there.

What will we see on stage?

It’s very crazy. The character is insane and the staging shows that. He’s a little loopy and the whole stage reflects that. You’re gonna see the villain on stage. I can’t reveal more though.

Does he watch Eurovision?

I watch the contest every year. I drag my family and friends to watch it. I watch it almost every year. It’s always interesting. It’s a fantastic platform. 2012 is my favorite edition.

Which eurostars he would like to work with

I would like to work with Luke Black from Serbia and Jann from Poland.

Mileo’s message to our readers and viewers

Thank you so much, stream it. If you can vote for me! I really want to go there so badly. I love you and thank you so much!

We wish Mileo best of luck and we hope to see him in Malmo!

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