Switzerland: Head of delegation denies they considered pulling out of Eurovision 2024

After ERT, also the public broadcaster of Switzerland, through the head of the country’s delegation to the contest, denies the reports of the Norwegian VG and the Swedish Aftonbladet, according to which six countries were considering their withdrawal from the Eurovision 2024 final.

According to what VG reported, Norway, Portugal, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, as well as Greece were thinking until the last moment about withdrawing from the Eurovision 2024 final. In fact, in a crucial meeting between the EBU and of these six delegations, the participation of the above-mentioned countries in the competition was agreed literally at the last moment.

ERT immediately denied these reports, saying that the country’s withdrawal from the final of the 68th Eurovision Song Contest was never even considered.

Today, the head of Switzerland’s delegation to the competition, Yves Schifferle, stated in an interview with Blick that on the one hand there was never any thought of withdrawing from the contest, while he additionally emphasizes that no critical meeting a few minutes before the final was held between the EBU and the country’s public television. Any meetings that did take place were between artists and EBU representatives and concerned various incidents that took place behind the scenes.

Some acts have sought talks with the EBU regarding certain etiquette in the backstage area.

The series of denials is expected to be followed by other delegations, since according to our own on-the-spot reporting in Malmö, all these rumors and publications concerning alleged withdrawals from the competition had no basis. After all, no artist can leave so easily, especially at the last minute, when they are bound by contracts and possible penalty clauses.

Stay tuned to Eurovisionfun for all the updates!

Source: Blick
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  1. […] However, a spokesperson for Switzerland denied reports that contestant Nemo was contemplating pulling out. Now, the head of Switzerland’s delegation to the contest has denied the reports. During a new interview, Yves Schifferle said that “on the one hand there was never any thought of withdrawing from the contest” (via Eurovision Fun). […]

  2. […] However, a spokesperson for Switzerland denied reports that contestant Nemo was contemplating pulling out. Now, the head of Switzerland’s delegation to the contest has denied the reports. During a new interview, Yves Schifferle said that “on the one hand there was never any thought of withdrawing from the contest” (via Eurovision Fun). […]

  3. […] However, a spokesperson for Switzerland denied reports that contestant Nemo was contemplating pulling out. Now, the head of Switzerland’s delegation to the contest has denied the reports. During a new interview, Yves Schifferle said that “on the one hand there was never any thought of withdrawing from the contest” (via Eurovision Fun). […]

  4. […] However, a spokesperson for Switzerland denied reports that contestant Nemo was contemplating pulling out. Now, the head of Switzerland’s delegation to the contest has denied the reports. During a new interview, Yves Schifferle said that “on the one hand there was never any thought of withdrawing from the contest” (via Eurovision Fun). […]

  5. […] Now, the head of Switzerland’s delegation to the contest has denied the reports. During a new interview, Yves Schifferle said that “on the one hand there was never any thought of withdrawing from the contest” (via Eurovision Fun). […]

  6. […] Now, the head of Switzerland’s delegation to the contest has denied the reports. During a new interview, Yves Schifferle said that “on the one hand there was never any thought of withdrawing from the contest” (via Eurovision Fun). […]

  7. […] Now, the head of Switzerland’s delegation to the contest has denied the reports. During a new interview, Yves Schifferle said that “on the one hand there was never any thought of withdrawing from the contest” (via Eurovision Fun). […]

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