Montenegro: Purchase five new cars instead of participating in Eurovision 2020

Montenegro’s Public Television (RTCG) following the announcement of the list by the EBU of countries to take part in the 65th Eurovision Song Contest and the official withdrawal from the contest, which you first read at Eurovisionfun, explains the reasons for this decision.

According to the RTCG announcement, the reasons for the withdrawal are economic, but also because of Montenegro’s low qualification rates in the Eurovision Final.

“Participating in the Eurovision song contest costs about 130,000 euros a year. Our representatives have usually achieved moderate results, making it difficult to qualify for the Grand Final. So this year we decided to invest this money in refurbishing the RTCG fleet. The plan is to buy five new cars, which will greatly improve the safety of our staff, who do more than 1,000 kilometers a day”

(RTCG on the withdrawal of Montenegro from Eurovision 2020)

According to the announcement the withdrawal seems to be only for the next event and not general. This is the second time Montenegro has withdrawn from the competition. The first was the two-year 2010 – 2011, when again due to poor results and the financial crisis that had just made its appearance, they were absent for two years.

In Tel Aviv, Montenegro were represented by D Mol with “Heaven”, who finished 16th in the first semifinal.

Source: RTCG

Montenegro: The second withdrawal from Eurovision 2020|EXCLUSIVE

After Hungary, another country that participated in this year’s contest will be absent from Eurovision 2020 in Rotterdam. Montenegrin public broadcaster has just announced that it will not participate in the next event for financial reasons.

Eurovision 2020 without Montenegro

Montenegro has 11 entries, with two final qualifiers and four consecutive shutouts in recent years. Unfortunately,there will be no representative of the small Balkan country at Eurovision 2020.

This is the second time Montenegro has withdrawn from the event. The first was the years 2010 – 2011, when again due to poor results and the financial crisis that had just made its appearance, they were absent for two years.

41 countries in Rotterdam

After this withdrawment  the number of countries that will participate in the 65th Eurovision Song Contest will be the same as the previous year, 41.We have  two withdrawals  (Hungary, Montenegro) and two returns (Ukraine, Bulgaria).

In Tel Aviv, Montenegro was represented by D Mol with “Heaven”, who finished 16th in the first semifinal.