Sweden: ‘The Mamas’ band was added to Melodifestivalen 2020 candidate list

The female gospel band “The Mamas” looks ready to claim Swedish representation in Rotterdam through Melodifestivalen 2020, according to Aftonbladet.

The Mamas also accompanied John Lundvik this year, both on Melodifestivalen on Eurovision stage, with “Too Late For Love”. Their impeccable gospel vocals were commented on by everyone and contributed to John Lundvik’s victory at Melodifestivalen 2019 and then to fifth place in Swedish Tel Aviv.


The band now consists of three members, Loulou Lamotte, Ashley Haynes and Dinah Yona Manna, after Paris Renita left The Mamas last month.

Summing up what we know so far, the artists who appear to be participating in Melodifestivalen 2020 are:

1. Amanda Aasa (from the P4 radio competition)

2. Victor Crone

3. Hanna Ferm

4. Jakob Karlberg

5. The Mamas

Sweden: Victor Crone at Melodifestivalen 2020 | Who other artists will be involved?

According to a new article of Aftonbladet, this year’s Estonian spokesman in Tel Aviv, Victor Crone, will participate in the next Melodifestivalen, seeking to “redeem”  his big radio success, “Storm“.

From Estonia to Sweden Victor Crone

Victor Crone is Swedish and, if the story is confirmed, this will be his second participation in Melodifestivalen, following his 2015 duet with Behrang Miri, which reached Second Chance. His compatriots loved “Storm” and he was second only behind “Spirit In The Sky” in the televoting. So there are few who think that this is the right time for Victor Crone’s second stint in Melodifestivalen. The song, according to Aftonbladet,is signed by Avicii’s team.

What other names are rumored?

Despite Carola’s denial of participating in next year’s Melodifestivalen, Swedish public broadcaster would like to see  her among the contestants and will step up pressure on the 53-day-old singer to say the great yes!

Other names mentioned by Aftonbladet as potential participants include 18-year-old Hanna Ferm and 25-year-old Jakob Karlberg, both former Idol participants, a talent show that feeds Melodifestivalen.

Summarizing, the artists who appear to be participating in Melodifestivalen 2020 are:

1. Amanda Aasa (from the P4 radio competition)

2. Victor Crone

3. Hanna Ferm

4. Jakob Karlberg

Source: Aftonbladet

Sweden: Carola refutes rumors of her participation in Melodifestovalen 2020

Former Eurovision contest winner and three-time Melodifestivalen winner, Carola Häggkvist, in a lengthy post on Instagram, denied what Aftonbladet said in its yesterday’s article that it wanted her to participate in Melodifestivalen once again with a religious song that she wrote herself.

The news shocked Eurovision Bubble as Carola clarified through her Instagram profile that she will not be attending the upcoming Melodifestivalen.

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Jag önskar jag kunde säga Ja…., vi kör! Men jag tackade ödmjukt nej tack redan i augusti då en av de absolut starkaste kompositörerna inom Esc sammanhang erbjöd mig en fin låt. Och senast nu i oktober då en annan tungviktare inom denna genre önskade, tillsammans men Christer B, att jag sjöng sången som skulle kunnat bli en sann hyllning till hela universums Skapare. Men det krävs lite mer än så för mig.. efter alla år och olika erfarenheter. Vill ändå säga ett STORT TACK till alla som ändå någonstans hoppades på att det kunde varit sant.. att jag faktiskt skulle vara med! Tack för förtroendet, intresset, kämparglöden och förvåningen.. ( men ändå inte.) För du som känner mig Vet att jag gillar oväntade skeenden i livet. hi hi Men just i detta läge finns det bara andra vinnare än jag. Och just nu är jag faktiskt smartare än så – än att tacka ja. Vem vet i framtiden. Men just nu gick jag inte igång tillräckligt på varken låtarna, mello eller medias circus. Jag bygger något annat på hemma plan från mitt hjärta, på lång sikt. Men med stor tacksamhet för vad Melodifestivalen en gång var för mig, o för många andra. Tack! Och media får gärna fråga den säkraste källan på en gång innan ni basunerar ut på tv att jag är ’klar’ … bara att det kan få ske? Puh! Mina uppgifter till mitt management finns ovan i min bio och är tydligt som korvspad i en korvgryta! I mitt advents program tar jag bla upp varför jag av ren överlevnads instinkt och som beskyddare av mina barn INTE kan ställa upp i varken Mello, Lets Dance el andra liknande program just nu – även om jag både älskar att dansa ( hemma i köket ) eller tävla. Det är ju egentligen helt förfärligt och beklagligt men så länge den nivån på arbetsmoral finns mellan kvällspress och SVT så vore jag mycket naiv om jag ännu en gång skulle tillåta mig vara offer för det. Vet att allt har sin tid och jag är inte långsint heller. Men just nu finns visheten högt upp på listan och då kommer både barnen och en påsk produktion före melodifestivalen. Till och med Gud Fader själv skulle behöva övertyga mig rätt hårt att vara med. Då förstår ni. Då skulle C.B behöva be så intensivt att få med mig innan JESUS hinner göra sin stora comeb

A post shared by Carola Häggkvist (@carolaofficiell) on

Carola clarifies that while she had many suggestions from major and notable creators, due to her  full program she will not be able to participate in either Melodifestivalen or “Dancing with the Stars”, as it is rumored. To make it even clearer by completing her statement she states:

“For the sake of truth, I haven’t written a song to perform at the Melodifestivalen this year on our Jesus, as today’s reports say”.

Carola & Melodifestivalen

Carola already has five Melodifestivalen entries and has won it three times. In 1983 at the age of just 17 she won with “Främling” and represented Sweden for the first time in Eurovision, taking third place there. In 1991, in Rome with “Fångad av en stormvind”, she took her third victory for her country. Finally, in 2006 in Athens performed “Invincible” and was found in the top5 for the third time, specifically in fifth place.

In 2008 she once again tried to reach the Eurovision stage, joining Melodifestivalen in a duet with Andreas Johnson, but stopped in  the second chance round.

Sweden: Carola returns to Melodifestivalen with a religious song

Carola will compete in the next Melodifestivalen, Sweden’s national final, through which Sweden chooses its entry in every Eurovision Song Contest. If she manages to win, this will be her fourth Eurovision participation!

With a Christian song Carola at Melodifestivalen 2020

According to the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, the 53-year-old singer will now be among the 28 participants at Melodifestivalen 2020, with a song that she herself wrote and has religious content. She is also a member of the Evangelical Church, “World of Life” and has devoted much of her life to the refugee issue. Together with her husband, Norwegian priest Runar Søgaard, they have adopted a girl from Africa whose parents had died.

Aftonbladet reports on the lyrics of the song:

It is written by herself, dedicated to her Christian faith and praises the love for Jesus Christ.

Fans, however, have welcomed the news with mixed emotions, as they believe Carola has closed her circle at Melodifestivalen.

Carola & Melodifestivalen

This will be Carola’s sixth participation in the Melodifestivalen, which she has won three times. In 1983 at the age of just 17 she won with “Främling” and represented Sweden for the first time in Eurovision, taking third place there. In 1991, in Rome with “Fångad av en stormvind”, she took her third victory for her country. Finally, in 2006 Eurovision in Athens she performed “Invincible” and reached the top5 for the third time, specifically in fifth place.

In 2008 she once again tried to find herself on the Eurovision stage, joining Melodifestivalen in a duet with Andreas Johnson, but only reaching the second chance round.

Sweden: Greta Thunberg’s mother is a Eurovision star!

Greta Thunberg is becoming an icon in the fight against climate change. At the age of just 16, the activist has spearheaded a global school strike movement, been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and speaking to governments worldwide to tackle climate change. Her mother is a famous singer who represented Sweden in the Eurovision Song Contest! Read more

Sweden: Which artists are competing in Melodifestivalen 2019?

Even though Melodifestivalen‘s first semifinal is on February 2 in Gothenburg, Swedish media are already making their own predictions and estimations of the artists who are likely to or almost certain to compete and represent Sweden in Eurovision 2019. Read more