
Germany: Ben Dolic signs an open letter to the EBU against Israel!

It seems like the statement of EBU that confirms that KAN and Israel can normally participate to the contest has sparked reactions among the fans but not only.

A few hours later, the (almost) Eurovision Song Contest 2020 representative of Germany, Ben Dolic, signed an open letter to the EBU and made a post on X (Twitter) about it, which you can see below:

“The continued acts of violence by the state of Israel cannot be supported under any circumstances. As an artist, a past Eurovision participant and as a human being, I will not support the EBU’s decision to allow a state that has committed so many atrocities to tens of thousands of civilians participate in the Eurovision Song Contest.

There is no logical explanation for a music competition with the main message of spreading love to have a connection with a place that has acted against their main message in such horrific ways.”

There have been calls to ban Israel from Eurovision 2024. In Finland, 1300 artists signed a petition asking for Israel to be removed. The British representative Olly Alexander has also shared in public his opinion against Israel. Also just recently Montaigne signed an open letter to the EBU asking the ban of Israel from the contest, just as Ben did.

Germany originally planned to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 with the song “Violent Thing” written by Borislav Milanov, Peter St. James, Dag Lundberg, Jimmy Thorén and Connor Martin and performed by Ben Dolic, but then the contest was cancelled due to the Coronavirus outbreak. You can listen to “Violent Thing” on the video down below:

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North Macedonia: Vasil with a song by Borislav Milanov at Eurovision 2021?

North Macedonia is one of the five countries that have not yet clarified whether they will be represented at Eurovision 2021 with the artist who would represent them in this year’s contest or will look for a new artist. The most likely scenario here, after the retention of pro-Western Zoran Zaev, is that Vasil Garganliev will have another chance. In fact, in a story that Vasil shared on his Instagram profile, we see him with the composer Borislav Milanov, the founder of Symphonix, who in recent years has signed many songs in the competition. This of course makes us wonder whether Borislav Milanov will be the creator of our participation and our neighboring country?

Borislav Milanov, together with Symphonix, will be the composer of Bulgaria’s entry in Eurovision 2021, while it is known that they will send a new song in the internal selection of Germany with Ben Dolic. It remains unknown whether they will compose Malta’s song in 2021, which is again represented by Destiny or maybe for some other countries too.

North Macedonia would be represented at Eurovision 2020 by Vasil Garganliev with the song You, which you can listen to below: