
Sweden: Dotter and Mamas are added to the possible names for Melodifestivalen 2021!

Aftonbladet gives us two more names that will likely participate in Melodifestivalen 2021. For Melodifestivalen 2020 Aftonbladed achieved to predict 23 of the 24 names that was mentioned in its articles. The next two artists we will see at Melodifestivalen 2021 are The Mamas and Dotter.

The Mamas

The Mamas, were to represent Sweden at Eurovision 2020 with the song “Move”.


Dotter, one of the favorites in the final of the Melodifestivalen 2020, finally finished second after The Mamas.

The artists who have so far confirmed for Melodifestivalen 2021:

  • Julia Alfrida (from the P4 nästa radio contest)
  • Tusse Chiza
  • Sannex
  • Sami Rekik and Wahl
  • The Mamas
  • Dotter

The full list of candidates for Melodifestivalen 2021 is expected to be announced at the end of November.

The program of Melodifestivalen 2021 is as follows:

  • The 1st semifinal on February 6
  • The 2nd semifinal on February 13
  • The 3rd semifinal on February 20
  • The 4th semifinal on February 27
  • The second chance round on March 6
  • The final on March 13

We remind you that the Melodifestivalen 2021 due to the pandemic will take place only in Stockholm, in a place that will be announced at a later time.

Stay tuned to Eurovision Fun for all the developments regarding Sweden’s participation in Eurovision 2021!

Source: Aftonbladet


Sweden: The detailed results of Melodifestivalen 2020

Sweden’s representatives at Eurovision 2020 after winning with just one point in the Melodifestivalen are the Mamas with the song “Move”. Not long ago, Swedish public television announced the analytical results of the Melodifestivalen, both in the semi-finals and in the final, which was awaited by many.

Before we look at the results, it is good to remind you of this year’s voting system so you can better understand the results of the public.

The televoting was divided into ages groups

It was not possible to vote via sms this year, as the producers of Melodifestivalen emphasized that sms votes were scarce. The only way to vote was by phone or special application.

Voting through the app required you to state your age. Viewers were divided into seven categories as follows:

-Green: 3 to 9 years old
-Turquoise: 10 to 15 years
-Blue: 16 to 29 years old
-Purple: 30 to 44 years old
-Pink: 45 to 59 years old
-Red: 60 to 74 years old
-Orange: 75 and above

Changes to the vote

The eighth category was voting by telephone, where age cannot be ascertained. Each category had 43 points in the semifinals (12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1) and 58 in the final (12, 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1). In the second chance round he scored 1 point in the song that he preferred in each duel, and in the case of a tie (4-4), he was the one who received the most votes. Another change was that the international jury in the final was reduced from eleven to eight, so that their numbers were the same as the age groups, and they also had 58 points, just like the public groups. Each user of the app could give up to five hearts (votes) per song.

The results of Melodifestivalen 2020

First let’s say that all the nights were counted 44 million votes, a decrease of 12.5% ​​compared to the previous year, as Melodifestivalen 2019 counted 50 million votes.

In the final, the Mamas garnered the most votes, 1,610,446, with Dotter receiving 1,489,636. If the rules that were in force until 2018 had been used in the Melodifestivalen 2020 final, the first two places would not have changed. The Mamas would have earned 122 points and Dotter 118.

Another important point is that those who voted by phone agreed with the ratings of the app voters, with the only exception being the third semifinal they voted for Drängarna and the final that they voted for Anna Bergendahl.

Let’s now look at the 12s in the final category:

3-9: Hanna Ferm

10-15: The Mamas

16-29: The Mamas

30-44: Dotter

45-59: Anna Bergendahl

60-74: Anna Bergendahl

75 and above: Anna Bergendahl

Phones: Anna Bergendahl

Dotter, despite receiving a 12th, was in the top three in all age categories. The Mamas received some high scores and some middle scores. Anna Bergendahl though she received four 12s, received two 0s from the two younger age categories.

Winners of every night and category:

Winner of Melodifestivalen: The Mamas.
Winner of the vote: The Mamas.
Jury winner: Dotter.
First Semifinal Winner: The Mamas.
Second Semifinal Winner: Anna Bergendahl.
Third Semifinal Winner: Mariette.
Fourth Semifinal Winner: Hanna Ferm.
Second Chance Winner: Anis Don Demina

Below are the results in the final:

Source: SVT

Sweden: “I don’t know if I wanted to go to Eurovision”, Dotter says

The big favorite of yesterday’s Melodifestivalen final was Dotter, who for one point only failed to beat the Mamas. In her statements shortly after the end of the night, she said how happy she was about the love she received herself as well as her song, but also about her uncertainty about whether she was ready for the Eurovision contest. Similar statements were made by Anna Bergendahl, who finished third.

Neither the public nor the committees could decide yesterday which of the two should represent Sweden at Eurovision 2020. The jury scored 65 points for Dotter and Mamas and the public gave them 71 and 72 points respectively.

For the story, it is worth noting that Dotter would win even in the tie, since she had received ten more than the Mamas in the committee (12 were equal).

“I got some minor points from international committees. I was relieved that I didn’t win. I don’t know if I wanted to go to Eurovision. The Mamas deserved it and wanted it more”.


Anna Bergendahl‘s statements that took third place at this year’s Melodifestivalen also moved at a similar wavelength.

“It’s hard to describe my feelings right now. I’m so grateful for third place. I won so many this year. I’m so happy for the Mamas. As a listener, I would vote for their song. It’s a great song”.

Anna Bergendahl

The bets, however, did not welcome the Mamas ‘victory very warmly, as Sweden, after many years, is  in the eighth position of winning the contest, the day before the leaders’ meeting at the end of the national finals season.

Source: Aftonbladet