Moldova: These are the guest artists of “Etapa națională 2024!”

Just a few hours ago, the national broadcaster of Moldova, TRM, announced the guest artists who are going to be present at the national final of Etapa națională 2024, on Saturday the 17th of February.

At the national final, which is going to take place on this week’s Saturday, the legendary Romanian group HOLOGRAF, is going to be the main guest artist. Some of the most well known songs of the group are “Să nu-mi iei niciodată dragostea” and “Primăvara începe cu tine”. The members of HOLOGRAF have already promised to share a magnificent moment with the audience and the viewers of the show!

So, until the upcoming February’s Saturday, let’s remember all of the eleven (11) entries that are going to “battle” for a possible opportunity to represent Moldova in Eurovision Song Contest 2024:

  1. Nicoleta Sava – “Bravo”
  2. Valeria Pasha – “Anti-Princess”
  3. Reghina Alexandrina – “Contrasens”
  4. Viola Julea – “Light up!”
  5. OL – “No Time No Space”
  6. Sasha Letty – “DNA”
  7. Natalia Barbu – “In the middle”
  8. Y-Limit – “REVOLUTION”
  9. Cătălina Solomac – “Fever”
  10. Victor Gulick – “Fever”
  11. Iulia Teleucă – “Runaway”

Until then, take a look of Moldova’s entry in Eurovision 2023 with Pasha Parfeni singing “Soarele şi Luna” at the Grand Final:

Source: TRM

Stay tuned at Eurovisionfun for even more news regarding Moldova’s participation in Eurovision Song Contest 2024!

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