Sweden: Malmö will not host the Eurovision Song Contest again!

The organization of this year’s Eurovision turned out to be a difficult “mission”, with the host city declaring that it does not want to host the competition again after this year’s edition.

In an official announcement from the city of Malmö, they stated that this year they were faced with an unprecedented, stressful and costly situation in their effort to maintain security in their city during the competition!

The announcement:

“We can’t say we had a good year, but not a bad one either. It was a year with enough intensity that it cost us dearly to be able to ensure the safety of the participants as well as the visitors! If Sweden wins next year and offers us to host the competition, we will definitely refuse! We don’t have the strength and stamina to host the competition again!”

Eurovision 2024 has come to an end, with Switzerland taking the win. On the aftermath of the contest, many delegations are requesting a meeting with the European Broadcasting Union to discuss incidents at the contest.


Source: http://superTV24

Stay tuned to Eurovisionfun for all latest news about Eurovision 2024!

28 replies
  1. The Witcher
    The Witcher says:

    Of course it will be expensive… you had the stupid idiots of the pro Hamas demonstration so you needed extra extra security.

    • John Adams
      John Adams says:

      Ofcourse it’s easy to criticise a minority. They’re fighting for justice something you will never understand. For humanity!

  2. Shai Kirjner
    Shai Kirjner says:

    It is much more appropriate for Malmö to host Hammas, ,Hizzballah, Gihad Islamic, and the palestinking delegation.

  3. The world
    The world says:

    Great! Shouldn’t have hosted this year as well – most Muslim & worst city in Europe!! Burn Malmo burn!

  4. Anthony Hitch
    Anthony Hitch says:

    Sweden did a great job, but they should not have to put up with people who travelled there to cause maximum disruption. Any country hosting the event in future should adopt a zero tolerance policy towards protesters. The host country needs to act absolutely ruthlessly against any form of protest.

    • Mikael
      Mikael says:

      The protests were peaceful. Last I checked Sweden is a democratic nation. Nice Islamophobia there by the way. The cause protest was legitimate .Whatever about including Russia as part of the European family , it was correct to exclude them when they did. Representatives from The State of Israel should have been temporarily postponed from the show for the illegal behaviour of their nation . Hypocrisy at its finest .

    • Mikael
      Mikael says:

      Sounds like fascism that . It was people seeking to hold the Eurovision to account and to uphold its own values . Like Russia , the Israeli Representatives should have been asked to stay at home for his year .

  5. Jamila
    Jamila says:

    Only because Isreal should have been ousted from this year’s competition due to the war in Gaza. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that were likely to be big problems.

    • Israel rules!
      Israel rules! says:

      You meant all the pro hamas, islamistic groups, and stupid wokes that created a mess to the city!
      12 points from the entire world- deal with it!

      • Christy Dolan
        Christy Dolan says:

        Nothing woke or stupid about complaining about collective punishment of Palestinian Civilians or the blatant disregard shown by successive Israeli State’s of the UN Two State solution or complaining about their love of illegal land grabbing of the West Bank . I can’t think of any other self respecting nation that would tolerate that in their land . Of course it wouldn’t be tolerated by the rest of the world but for the veto of the US and the UK who like to virtue themselves as the Principles of civility and decency. The rampant Islamophobia here is horrendous .

  6. Robertas Liutas
    Robertas Liutas says:

    So basically planning on winning again? Seems a bit suspicious, innit? How do they know what will happen next year already?

  7. Dragan
    Dragan says:

    From what we hear and see post festum… this was the worst Eurovision so far… not to mention all hipocrisy, double standards, fake political correctness, shutting down ppl for speaking their minds, hostility towards those who do not fit the narrative… they sad Eurovision is not political.. this was the perfect example of totalitarian, despotic behaviour… in the name of “democracy”… disguisting!!! And on top of that, EBU (as a stretched hand of EU) had the nerve to give lessons to anyone! Fun is dead!!!

  8. Angel
    Angel says:

    In these times of Soddom and Gommorah… i will not recommend to watch Eurovisoon again. Most of them tasteless; songs, singers & performers… its like watching dragqueens in a gaybar.. and kids are watching! Its not that fun anymore. Sorry..

    • Mikael
      Mikael says:

      Seriously perverted stuff irrespective of how they swing in the bedroom , or in Britain’s case , asset dirty toilet . Pure filth and not in a good way . Think of the children . lol

  9. Michael Frisby
    Michael Frisby says:

    This is my last time of viewing this disstaceful exebition of sexual inuendo with performers openly thrusting their sexuality at the public , time to close this event down before someone is killed.

  10. Amir al Arab
    Amir al Arab says:

    Sweden and Malmö are the drunk man in the next joke:

    A drunk man sits at the bar and says to the bartender:
    Whiskey with ice beats the liver
    Brandy with ice beats the liver
    A martini with ice beats the liver..
    We must stop with the ice, it knocks the liver

    The problem is not with Eurovision!!!
    The problem is with the people you accepted as new Swedish “citizens” who changed everything we used to love in Sweden. Sorry

  11. simo riikola
    simo riikola says:

    Isn’t radical islam and islamic immigration great. Especially when they are allied with far-leftists.


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  1. […] ha ospitato l’evento lo scorso maggio, la quale ha annunciato tramite un comunicato stampa di non avere intenzione di ospitare l’Eurovision in futuro qualora la Svezia dovesse […]

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