Italy: Carlo Conti plans to end the shows of Sanremo 2025 at midnight!

The new artistic director and host of the Sanremo festival Carlo Conti, has already started preparations for its upcoming edition. According to what the Italian media reports, Carlo Conti intends to drastically reduce the duration of Sanremo’s nights, while his intentions include the reinstatement of the Dopo Festival, a live show immediately after the end of Sanemo’s broadcast each night.

His role has been taken seriously by Carlo Conti, who returns to the position of artistic director and host, after eight years. Carlo Conti is one of the favorite faces of RAI, since all these years he presented favorite shows of the Italian public television, with great success and viewership.

So, according to what Dagospia reports, Carlo Conti is already working on the regulations for Sanremo 2025. Once they are ready, he will of course start the search for songs, both through a public call and direct discussions with artists and record labels.

Carlo Conti will attempt to drastically reduce the duration of the Sanremo 2025 broadcast, as he aims for it to finish at midnight. We say that he will attempt, since we have heard this several times in the past, but no one has ever been able to achieve it.

Another of his intentions for Sanremo 2025 is to bring back the Dopo Festival, a live show that was broadcast immediately after the end of each race night and essentially included interviews, reports and everything that the cameras did not show. The rumored presenter of the Dope Festival is Alessandro Cattelan, who was also one of the presenters of Eurovision 2022.

The winner of Sanremo in recent years has the option, if he wishes, to represent Italy in the Eurovision contest. Angelina Mango represented Italy at Eurovision 2024, with the song La Noia, which was also the winning song of Sanremo 2024. In Malmö, she finished seventh, with 268 points.

Stay tuned to Eurovisionfun for all the updates!

Source: Dagospia
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