Poland: Justyna Steczkowska’s reaction on Eurovision 2024 and her message to Luna!

Justyna Steczkowska, was the favourite to represent Poland in Eurovision 2024, for many months now. Some time ago, the song “The Tower” by Luna came out, and everyone said that she is the biggest rival of Steczkowska, in this year’s selection, which is something that really came true earlier in the morning.

Today, the Polish public broadcaster, posted the music video of their entry for this year’s contest, revealing that Luna will travel to Malmö, getting positive and negative reactions at the same time.

On a post on her personal account on Instafram, Justyna expressed her gratitude to the world that supported her and sent a message to Luna:

“My darlings, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and that so many of you loved the song “Witch-er Tarohoro”. This is the biggest win for me. Already today I invite you to the only concert in Warsaw (COS – Torwar), which is titled “WITCH-ER”, where you will be able to see the wonderful show of my new album, which I’m working on, which “Witch-er Tarohoro” is the first single. […]

Don’t hate on Luna please. It is not easy to carry such a responsibility, and if you are clipping on her wings today, it will be difficult to rise above such heavy energy and give a good Eurovision show. Keep your fingers crossed for her, like I am. Good luck to the whole team”

Justyna Steczkowska took part in the internal selection of Poland, with her song “WITCH-ER Tarohoro” which received the love of many fans:

Would you prefer Justyna to be the Polish representative? Write us in the comments below!

Stay tuned on Eurovisionfun for all the news regarding the Polish participation at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024, in Malmö!

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