Earlier today RAI announced the detailed results of Sanremo 2024. In them we can see the huge percentages that Geolier received in the televoting on all nights, percentages that in all cases were slightly above or below 50%. On the opposite side, Angelina Mango had the support of both the radio committee and the accredited journalists following the festival from Sala Stampa.
Prima serata
On the first night of the festival all 30 songs were performed and only the journalists voted. The ranking order was as follows:
1 Loredana Bertè
2 Angelina Mango
3 Annalisa
4 Diodato
5 Mahmood
6 Fiorella Mannoia
7 The Kolors
8 Emma
9 Ghali
10 Dargen D’Amico
10 Negramaro
12 Ricchi e Poveri
13 Il Volo
14 Gazzelle
15 Alessandra Amoroso
16 Big Mama
17 Irama
18 Santi Francesi
19 Clara
20 Rose Villain
21 Maninni
22 Alfa
23 Geolier
24 Mr. Rain
25 Renga e Nek
26 Il Tre
27 Fred De Palma
28 BNKR44
28 La Sad
30 Sangiovanni
Seconda serata
On the second night, 15 of the 30 songs were presented again, with the score being determined by 50% from the televoting and 50% from representatives of 184 radio stations from all over Italy.
General ranking (50% televoting, 50% radios)
1 Geolier
2 Irama
3 Annalisa
4 Loredana Bertè
5 Mahmood
6 Emma
7 Il Volo
8 Gazzelle
9 The Kolors
10 Dargen D’Amico
11 Alfa
12 Clara
13 Big Mama
14 Renga e Nek
15 Fred De Palma
Radios’ ranking
1 Annalisa
2 The Kolors
3 Loredana Bertè
4 Emma
5 Mahmood
6 Irama
7 Alfa
8 Geolier
9 Big Mama
10 Clara
11 Dargen D’Amico
12 Gazzelle
13 Il Volo
14 Renga e Nek
15 Fred De Palma
Televoters’ ranking
1 Geolier 56,5
2 Irama 7,7
3 Annalisa 5,9
4 Il Volo 5,0
5 Gazzelle 4,2
6 Mahmood 4,0
7 Loredana Bertè 3,6
8 Emma 3,4
9 Dargen D’Amico 2,2
10 Alfa 2,0
11 Renga e Nek 1,4
12 Clara 1,3
13 The Kolors 1,2
14 Big Mama 1,1
15 Fred De Palma 0,5
Terza serata
On the third night, the remaining 15 songs were presented with the same voting structure (50% televote, 50% radio).
General ranking (50% televoting, 50% radios)
1 Angelina Mango
2 Ghali
3 Alessandra Amoroso
4 Il Tre
5 Mr. Rain
6 Diodato
7 Fiorella Mannoia
8 Rose Villain
9 Negramaro
10 La Sad
11 Ricchi e Poveri
12 Santi Francesi
13 BNKR44
14 Sangiovanni
15 Maninni
Radios’ ranking
1 Angelina Mango
2 Diodato
3 Negramaro
4 Ghali
5 Fiorella Mannoia
6 Alessandra Amoroso
7 Ricchi e Poveri
8 Mr. Rain
9 Rose Villain
10 Santi Francesi
11 Maninni
12 Sangiovanni
13 Il Tre
14 BNKR44
15 La Sad
Televoters’ ranking
1 Angelina Mango 15,5
2 Ghali 13,2
3 Il Tre 12,8
4 Alessandra Amoroso 12,6
5 Mr. Rain 8,7
6 La Sad 5,6
7 Diodato 5,2
8 Fiorella Mannoia 5,0
9 Rose Villain 4,7
10 Negramaro 3,6
11 BNKR44 3,4
12 Ricchi e Poveri 2,7
13 Santi Francesi 2,7
14 Sangiovanni 2,2
15 Maninni 1,8
General ranking of all 30 songs of the Seconda and Terza serata
1 Geolier
2 Angelina Mango
3 Irama
4 Ghali
5 Annalisa
6 Alessandra Amoroso
7 Il Tre
8 Mahmood
9 Loredana Bertè
10 Il Volo
11 Mr. Rain
12 Emma
13 Gazzelle
14 Diodato
15 Fiorella Mannoia
16 Negramaro
17 The Kolors
18 Rose Villain
19 Dargen D’Amico
20 Alfa
21 La Sad
22 Ricchi e Poveri
23 Clara
24 Santi Francesi
25 Big Mama
26 Renga e Nek
27 BNKR44
28 Sangiovanni
29 Maninni
30 Fred De Palma
Overall ranking of all three nights (Journalists’ Committee, Radio Committee and Televoting)
1 Geolier
2 Angelina Mango
3 Annalisa
4 Ghali
5 Irama
6 Loredana Bertè
7 Alessandra Amoroso
8 Mahmood
9 Diodato
10 Emma
11 Il Volo
12 Fiorella Mannoia
13 Gazzelle
14 Il Tre
15 The Kolors
16 Negramaro
17 Mr. Rain
18 Dargen D’Amico
19 Ricchi e Poveri
20 Rose Villain
21 Alfa
22 Big Mama
23 Santi Francesi
24 Clara
25 Maninni
26 Renga e Nek
27 La Sad
28 BNKR44
29 Sangiovanni
30 Fred De Palma
Quarta serata
On the fourth night, or simply cover night, the vote was determined 34% by the televote, 33% by the journalists’ committee and 33% by the radios.
Overall ranking
1 Geolier
2 Angelina Mango
3 Annalisa
4 Ghali
5 Alfa
6 Irama
7 Mahmood
8 Santi Francesi
9 Il Volo
10 Alessandra Amoroso
11 Gazzelle
12 The Kolors
13 Fiorella Mannoia
14 Diodato
15 Mr. Rain
16 Il Tre
17 Ricchi e Poveri
18 Loredana Bertè
19 Emma
20 Big Mama
21 Negramaro
22 Clara
23 BNKR44
24 Renga e Nek
25 Maninni
26 Fred De Palma
27 Rose Villain)
28 La Sad
29 Dargen D’Amico
30 Sangiovanni
Radios’ ranking
1 Angelina Mango
2 Annalisa
3 Alfa
4 Mahmood
5 Santi Francesi
6 Diodato
7 The Kolors
8 Irama
9 Il Volo
10 Negramaro
11 Ricchi e Poveri
12 Ghali
13 Mr. Rain
14 Emma
15 Big Mama
16 Fiorella Mannoia
17 Renga e Nek
18 Alessandra Amoroso
19 Gazzelle
20 Maninni
21 Clara
22 Loredana Bertè
23 Fred De Palma
24 BNKR44
25 Il Tre
26 Geolier
27 Rose Villain
28 Sangiovanni
29 Dargen D’Amico
30 La Sad
Journalists’ ranking
1 Angelina Mango
2 Annalisa
3 Santi Francesi
4 Alfa
5 Diodato
6 Mahmood
7 Ghali
8 Fiorella Mannoia
9 The Kolors
10 Irama
11 Ricchi e Poveri
12 Il Volo
13 Loredana Bertè
14 Big Mama
15 Gazzelle
16 Negramaro
17 Clara
18 Alessandra Amoroso
19 Renga e Nek
20 Mr. Rain
21 Maninni
22 Emma
23 Fred De Palma
24 BNKR44
25 Dargen D’Amico
26 Il Tre
26 Rose Villain
28 Geolier
29 La Sad
30 Sangiovanni
Televoters’ ranking
1 Geolier 43,3
2 Angelina Mango 8,4
3 Ghali 5,6
4 Annalisa 5,4
5 Irama 5,0
6 Alfa 4,7
7 Mahmood 3,4
8 Santi Francesi 2,4
9 Alessandra Amoroso 2,3
10 Il Tre 2,2
11 Gazzelle 2,0
12 Il Volo 1,7
13 Mr. Rain 1,4
14 Fiorella Mannoia 1,4
15 Loredana Bertè 1,2
16 Emma 1,1
17 The Kolors 1,1
18 BNKR44 0,9
19 Sangiovanni 0,8
20 Ricchi e Poveri 0,8
21 La Sad 0,7
22 Clara 0,7
23 Diodato 0,7
24 Big Mama 0,6
25 Rose Villain 0,6
26 Negramaro 0,5
27 Renga e Nek 0,4
28 Dargen D’Amico 0,4
29 Maninni 0,2
30 Fred De Palma 0,2
Overall ranking of all four nights
1 Geolier
2 Angelina Mango
3 Annalisa
4 Ghali
5 Irama
6 Mahmood
7 Alessandra Amoroso
8 Loredana Bertè
9 Diodato
10 Alfa
11 Il Volo
12 Emma
13 Gazzelle
14 Fiorella Mannoia
15 The Kolors
16 Il Tre
17 Santi Francesi
18 Mr. Rain
19 Negramaro
20 Ricchi e Poveri
21 Dargen D’Amico
22 Big Mama
23 Rose Villain
24 Clara
25 Maninni
26 Renga e Nek
27 BNKR44
28 La Sad
29 Fred De Palma
30 Sangiovanni
Quinta serata
On the Final, in the first round, the voting was 100% based on the TV audience.
1 Geolier 44,8
2 Angelina Mango 14,2
3 Annalisa 6,0
4 Ghali 5,8
5 Mahmood 4,9
6 Irama 4,6
7 Loredana Bertè 3,2
8 Il Volo 2,6
9 Il Tre 1,6
10 Alessandra Amoroso 1,3
11 Gazzelle 1,3
12 Alfa 1,1
13 Dargen D’Amico 0,9
14 Emma 0,8
15 Mr. Rain 0,7
16 Fiorella Mannoia 0,7
17 Diodato 0,7
18 Renga e Nek 0,7
19 Negramaro 0,6
20 Big Mama 0,5
21 Santi Francesi 0,5
22 The Kolors 0,4
23 La Sad 0,4
24 Ricchi e Poveri 0,3
25 Clara 0,3
26 Sangiovanni 0,3
27 Rose Villain 0,3
28 BNKR44 0,2
29 Maninni 0,1
30 Fred De Palma 0,1
Overall Sanremo 2024 ranking
1 Geolier
2 Angelina Mango
3 Annalisa
4 Ghali
5 Irama
6 Mahmood
7 Loredana Bertè
8 Il Volo
9 Alessandra Amoroso
10 Alfa
11 Gazzelle
12 Il Tre
13 Diodato
14 Emma
15 Fiorella Mannoia
16 The Kolors
17 Mr.Rain
18 Santi Francesi
19 Negramaro
20 Dargen D’Amico
21 Ricchi e Poveri
22 BigMama
23 Rose Villain
24 Clara
25 Renga e Nek
26 Maninni
27 La Sad
28 BNKR44
29 Sangiovanni
30 Fred De Palma
In the second round of voting, the Top 5 was ranked 34% by the televoting, 33% by the journalists’ committee and 33% by the radio committee.
Overall ranking – Winner
1 Angelina Mango
2 Geolier
3 Annalisa
4 Ghali
5 Irama
Televoters’ ranking
1 Geolier 60
2 Angelina Mango 16,1
3 Ghali 8,3
4 Annalisa 8
5 Irama 7,5
Radios’ ranking
1 Angelina Mango
2 Annalisa
3 Ghali
4 Irama
5 Geolier
Journalists’ ranking
1 Angelina Mango
2 Annalisa
3 Ghali
4 Geolier
5 Irama
Source: RAI
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