San Marino: Third phase of castings continues! | A big name to sing a song composed by AI!

From January 12th, the third phase of the auditions of Una Voce per San Marino, the national final with which the state of San Marino will choose its participation for the Eurovision Song Contest 2024, has officially started!

As we previously informed you, the semi-finals will take place in February, while on February 24, the Grand Final will take place at Teatro Nuovo.

Already almost 100 artists have presented themselves in front of the jury, with auditions continuing from 18 to 20 January.

Mimmo Paganelli, member of the jury states:

“Their emotion is ours. The artists are bringing good material and quality, even better than last year”

You can watch the interviews of some artists HERE.

As was previously announced, SMRTV is working with the company  Casperaki aiming to create an entry for Una Voce Per San Marino 2024 which will be made with the help of artificial intelligence (AI).

So a while ago, public television announced that this year there will be many changes in the national final, the biggest of which is that a big name, selected to compete directly in the final, is going to perform a song written by artificial intelligence!

Piqued Jacks, were the previous winners of UVPSM, representing the country in Eurovision 2023, ending up in last place of the second semi-final:

Stay tuned on Eurovisionfun for all the news regarding the Sammarinese participation at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024, in Malmö!

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