olly alexander uk bbc

United Kingdom: “We are going to win with an incredibly commercially successful single”!

We can undoubtedly say that a country that everyone is talking about since the representative’s announcement, is the United Kingdom!

The 33-year-old Olly Alexander is the representative of the United Kingdom, for about a month now. He is most commonly known as the singer of Year & Years, one of the most successful groups of Engand! After that announcement, the United Kingdom, is in the first places in the betting odds, and has raised high expectations even about winning the contest.

He has recently interested the media, with another cause, with his statements about Israel, by signing a letter, calling Israel an “apartheid regime”. There were many enraged comments and people even asked for the BBC to withdraw Olly Alexander from the contest. The public broadcaster, responded that they will allow Olly to express his political views freely. They surely, fully support their representative, who is the greatest name they have sent in recent years.

There are some new statements by the BBC, in “The EuroTrip Podcast”, to set the bar even higher for the 33-year-old singer:

“We are going there to win it with a single that is an incredibly commercially successful single”

BBC seems sure about the song Olly will sing in Malmö, and everyone’s expectations are high, so it’s just a matter of time to see whether they will come true! The only sure thing is that we will have our eyes on the United Kingdom this year!

Stay tuned on Eurovisionfun for all the news regarding the British participation at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024, in Malmö!

Source: Eurotrippodcast

1 reply
  1. Amanda Kuperman
    Amanda Kuperman says:

    He should think before he speaks. Does he have any idea what they would do to a publicly proud Gay man in Gaza? He would be lynched. It is against the law. Such ignorance. People like him have no idea about the REAL story and speak out against the only standing democracy in the Middle East. Israel did not declare war or genocide on Gaza – their citizens were viciously butchered in one of the worst terror attacks in their history. I don;’t know many countries who warn their enemy civilian population to evacuate before an attack like Israel does to the Gazan people. You giving stage to this is pathetic.


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