Sertab Erener’s reaction to Israel’s participation in Eurovision 2024

Videos with reactions, as well as statements by Sertab Erener in this year’s participation of Israel – Hurricane with Eden Golan, have been circulating in the last few hours on the internet. The only winner of the competition for Turkey, condemned the participation of Israel, and with her grimaces, when Eden Golan performed her song on the stage of the contest, she showed her emotions.

The first excerpt is from the second semi-final, in which Israel also participated and in which Sertab Erener appeared as a guest, along with Elena Paparizou and Charlotte Perelli. Sertab Erener while preparing for her own performance in the dressing room, listens to Eden Golan perform Hurricane and her expressions are indicative of her feelings.

The second video is from the final. Sertab is watching the contest and at the time of the Israeli participation, she says to the camera that she is completely opposed to the presence of Israel in Eurovision 2025.

The above does not make any impression, since the Turkish government, but also to an overwhelming extent the Turkish society, is in favor even of the terrorist organization Hamas, many of its members, have found safe haven in Turkey. Israel in the previous decades was one of the closest allies with Turkey. However, in recent years and especially since Tayyip Erdoğan has taken over the government of the country, the two countries have drifted far apart, with Israel now having allied relations with Greece and Turkey considering itself the protector of Gaza, but and the terrorists operating there.

Watch Sertab Erener’s performance in the video below:

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