
The Netherlands: Searching for Eurovision 2020 representative begun

In addition to preparation of the 65th Eurovision Song Contest in Rotterdam next May, Dutch public television has also begun searching for its next representative.

The Netherlands will choose its next participation by internal selection, as since 2013 with this system it manages to qualify for the final (except 2015) and is usually high on the scoreboard.

Jan Smit revealed to us through a post that the committee set up by Dutch public television to choose the next Eurovision representative held its first hearing.

The Committee consists of:

Coen Swijnenberg – Dj
Sander Lantinga – Dj
Joyce Hoydelmans – Member of the competition mission since 2014
Eric Van Stade – General Manager of Avrotros
Cornald Maas – Contest commentator
Jan Smit – Contest commentator

In recent days, it was announced that internationally renowned DJ Armin van Buuren rejected Avrotros’s proposal to represent the Netherlands in the 2020 Eurovision contest.

Duncan Laurence, with the song “Arcade”, managed to bring the event to the Netherlands for the first time since 1980.

The Netherlands: Floor Jansen of “Nightwish” gives her answers about Eurovision 2020

Floor Jansen,”Nightwish” singer, in a recent tv interview, expressed her interest in a possible entry to the Eurovision Song Contest. In a radio interview yesterday (22/10), she clarified whether she would be interested in representing the Netherlands in the competition to be held in Rotterdam in May.

Yes to Eurovision, but not to 2020

Floor Jansen says no to her possible entry into the Contest, though as she explains, this cannot happen in 2020, as she has obligations both as a solo artist and with “Nightwish”, as a tour with therm is scheduled for next year.

“It would an honor for me to have  such a proposal (to represent the Netherlands at Eurovision), but I could not now! I have my own tour this time and in 2020 we have scheduled concerts with Nightwish”

Floor Jansen Nightwish singer

At her 38th, Floor Jansen has already had an important career. She has been the singer of “After Forever” and since 2012 she has been the lead singer of “Nightwish”, a band with a significant worldwide career.

The Netherlands: DENK invites Palestine to Eurovision

Representatives of the DENK party at the Rotterdam city council have asked the mayor and the city’s executive council about Palestine’s acceptance of the upcoming Eurovision song contest to be held in the Netherlands in May 2020.

In the context of the Middle East peace process, we would also like to see Palestine participate in the Eurovision Song Contest. Any country that is an active member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) may participate in the contest. Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya are also members.

The 4 representatives of the party also added that:

In the context of association and mutual acceptance, it is the ideal time for Palestine to get involved in the competition.

The municipality of Rotterdam has no right to which countries can participate in the contest and which can not, as determined by the EBU. Therefore, DENK board members are asking the city council to put pressure on the NPO public channel to invite Palestine to the competition.

The DENK party is based in the Netherlands and calls itself a “movement”. Ideologically, it is based on acceptance among people, within a just society based on international law. At the same time, it aims to eliminate racism against immigrants and to diversify education. The party has been accused, among other things, of close connection with Erdogan’s conservative party in Turkey.

Palestine at Eurovision

The Palestinian public broadcaster, PBC, was an affiliated member of the EBU. In 2007, it applied for full membership and thus was eligible to participate in Eurovision, which was ultimately rejected because it did not meet the prerequisites.

The issue of Palestine has not left the Eurovision Circle unaffected either, with the culmination of this year’s Israeli event. Both the invitation of organizations and politicians / celebrities in various countries to boycott this year’s event, as well as the internationally acclaimed singer-songwriter Madonna, as well as Iceland’s representatives waving the Palestinian flag during the pre-election campaign. reactions in Israel resulting in a fine on the latter by the EBU.

The Netherlands changes its official name -What’s the role of drugs, prostitution and Eurovision

The Dutch government has decided to stop the country from being called so and instead use only its real name – the Netherlands – as part of an effort to upgrade its global image.

The national name change, which has been signed by business executives, the tourism council and central government, will be instituted later this year, according to a Guardian report.

Ministers want to shift the focus of the international community from specific aspects of life that the country is widely associated with, such as the culture of “recreational” drugs and the “red lanterns” area in Amsterdam.

Under the new strategy, the Netherlands will be the official name for the next Eurovision song contest to be held in Rotterdam in May and at the Tokyo Olympics in 2020. The national football team, often referred to as the Netherlands, will now be called only the Netherlands in all official competitions.

A Foreign Ministry spokesman said the Netherlands needed a more uniform and coordinated national “advertising”. “We want to promote the Netherlands as an open, inventive and inclusive country. We have modernized our approach”,he explained. He added: “What is particularly important is that an agreement has been reached between all parties involved on the image of the Netherlands that we want to present to the rest of the world in a meaningful and unambiguous way” ….

As he said, the government is adopting a user-friendly and realistic approach to its name, in order to boost exports, tourism, sport and spread its “Dutch culture and values”.

North and South Holland are provinces on the west coast of the Netherlands. From the 10th to the 16th century, the Netherlands was a politically unified entity and was ruled by the country’s counties. By the 17th century it had become the dominant party of the then Dutch Republic. The Kingdom of the Netherlands, from the Dutch Neder-landen, which means the Netherlands, resulted from Napoleon’s defeat at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.

Earlier this year, the Dutch Tourism Board, whose website is, said it would shift its focus from promoting the Netherlands as a whole and focusing on advertising in lesser known parts of the country. It is estimated that by 2030 the country will be visited by around 42 million tourists annually, up from 18 million in 2018. Amsterdam’s famous attractions are also a major attraction, leading to locals’ complaints and complaints about the Dutch crowding. capital city.

Source: The Guardian

Eurovision 2020: Rotterdam and Maastricht to be the official finalists for ESC 2020 hosting

EBU,through its official website for the contest, announced a while ago what the Dutch media, but also what we had written a few days ago.  Rotterdam and Maastricht are the two remaining cities to claim Eurovision 2020 hosting.

This two cities had the most completed nomination bid and thus continue the fight for claiming Eurovision 2020. Next month, a team of the Dutch public broadcaster as well as EBU experts will visit the two cities in order to see and get up-to-date  , everything suggested by Maastricht and Rotterdam to organize the next contest.

« All cities and venues have made a great effort in their candidacies.  They impressed us with all their suggestions and I would like to thank all those involved so far for their positive contribution and commitment.  We are convinced that Maastricht and Rotterdam offer everything that a host city requires.  We hope the other cities will keep their enthusiasm for the song contest.  We would like to discuss the coming months how we can engage them in next year’s Eurovision. »

(Sietse Beker, executive producer of Eurovision 2020).

The cities that were considered inappropriate and had submitted a candidacy bid were Arnhem, Den Bos and Utrecht.

The final decision on the city that will host Eurovision 2020 will be announced at the end of August.