Greece: The ERT’s budget for Eurovision 2023!
Today, the budget of Greece’s participation in the 67th Eurovision Song Contest was posted in cooperation of ERT and the Greek Ministry of Digital Goverance. The Greek National Broadcaster is asked to pay 227,365 Euros for all the expenses to participate in this year’s contest.
Although, an additional 150,000 Euros should be added to the amount, which are the participation fee for this year’s competition. Therefore, the total amount that ERT will pay for Eurovision 2023 is 377,000 Euros. In a separate fund, an amount of 12,000 Euros was approved in the previous days for the rental of the two TV commentators.
In total, the final amount for Greece’s budget comes to 399,000 euros, which is slightly lower compered to the budget of the National Broadcaster the past two participations. This seems very reasonable since there are no longer restrictions due to the pandemic with the hotel rooms and the recording of the “live on tape” video.
You can find the relevant decision in Greek here
Down bellow, you can watch EurovsionFun’s reaction for this year’s Greek entry:
Stay tuned on EurovisionFun for all the news regarding Greece’s participation in Eurovision 2023!