
Marina Satti waved the symbol of Palestine at her concert in Thessaloniki

Marina Satti’s concert in Thessaloniki on Monday June 17, at the Lazarist Monastery, was full. Marina Satti, together with the group that accompanied her on stage in Malmö, excited the audience of the Greek co-capital. Wanting to send her own message, our representative at this year’s contest brought with her on stage a huge fan-watermelon, which is used as a symbol of Palestine on social media and beyond.

Marina Satti’s attitude towards the armed conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, provoked many reactions during this year’s competition. Marina Satti’s yawning at the moment when the representative of Israel, Eden Golan, was speaking, became a topic of discussion in Greece and beyond, while the government representative was also asked about the issue, taking a clear distance, at the same time condemning the behavior of the Greek representative in the music contest.

Now freed from the Greek representation, Marina Satti, even though she had initially claimed that her behavior had nothing to do with the representative of Israel, it seems that she is now willing to show her real thoughts regarding the issue in question.

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Breaking News: EBU in crisis meeting following strong reactions in the Dutch delegation!

The disqualification of Dutch artist Joost Klein has provoked strong reactions in the Dutch delegation. The EBU is currently in a crisis meeting, according to information to SVT.

As you have previously read in our past article, Joost Klein and the Dutch delegation have been disqualified from participating in the contest, following an incident with a person working for the production of the contest and a filed complaint.

Currently, the situation is being investigated by the Swedish police and both sides are being interrogated.

Source: SVT Nyheter

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Breaking News: Bambie Thug didn’t perform at the afternoon preview of the Grand Final!

Bambie Thug, the Irish representative at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024, has made headlines for their unique style and impressive vocal performance. However, as the afternoon preview show of the Grand Final is on-going it is noticed that they did not perform on stage.

The reasons behind this decision are not clear yet, Bambie earlier posted a story letting their fan know what has happened:

Bambie story

Bambie story

Bambie Thug, known for their ‘goth gremlin’ persona, has been praised for their dramatic staging and has become the first Irish delegate to make it through to the Eurovision final since 2018 and the first non-binary contestant to ever qualify to the finals in the history of the contest.

Their absence from the preview show is sure to be a disappointment for their fans and viewers alike. We look forward to more updates on this situation.

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Eurovision 2024: SVT will reportedly not censor sound from the audience in the arena tonight!

Eden Golan faced boos from the audience during a rehearsal, as you have read in one of our previous articles, the Israeli broadcaster Kan filed a formal complaint with the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) ahead of tonight’s broadcast.

During rehearsals, where the arena audience was limited, there was both imposed applause and a sound carpet added to the broadcast in the press center. This sound carpet created the illusion of a large audience in the arena, even though it wasn’t the case.

Eden Golan, Photo: Andreas Papagiannakis

Eden Golan, Photo: Andreas Papagiannakis

In previous years, Russian artists in the Eurovision contest experienced loud protests and boos during their performances. In 2015, the Austrian TV channel that produced Eurovision in Vienna chose to censor the boos by adding fake shouts during the broadcast.

Aftonbladet‘s Tobbe Ek reached out to SVT’s executive producer, Ebba Adielsson, with a detailed question and she clarified the situation:

As with any major TV production with an audience, we work with broadcast audio to level the playing field for the TV audience. It is only to get as balanced a soundscape as possible for the viewers, we do not censor sound from the audience in the arena. It’s the same principle for all competing entries, including opening and intermediate acts.

Let’s see what will happen at tonight’s Second Semi Final which is already on-air!

Source: Schlagerbloggen/Tobbe Ek/Aftonbladet

Stay tuned for more regarding this year’s Eurovision Song Contest that is held in Malmö Arena, in Malmö, Sweden.

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Eurovision 2024: EBU Strives to Maintain Apolitical Stance

Amid the ongoing Gaza conflict, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) is determined to uphold the apolitical stance of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest.

Bambie Thug from Ireland faced instructions to alter their appearance for Semi-Final One after attempting to convey a message advocating for a ceasefire on the Eurovision stage. During rehearsals, the singer sported body paint inscribed with Ogham script translating to “ceasefire” and “freedom.” In a press conference, the singer expressed:

“It was very important for me because I’m pro-justice and pro-peace … Unfortunately, I had to change those messages today to ‘Crown the Witch’ only (which was an) order from the EBU.”

The EBU clarified in a statement:

“The writing seen on Bambie Thug’s body during dress rehearsals contravened contest rules that are designed to protect the non-political nature of the event. After discussions with the Irish delegation, they agreed to change the text for the live show.”

Despite efforts to curtail political statements, a member of the Australian performance managed to convey a message on the contest stage. Fred Leone disclosed on Instagram that he incorporated a ‘Watermelon’ into his body paint to protest against genocide in Gaza.


Furthermore, Eric Saade, who participated in the Opening Act for Eurovision 2024, faced criticism from show producers and the EBU for performing with a Palestinian shawl wrapped around his wrist.

The EBU stated to SVT:

“The Eurovision Song Contest is a live program. All artists are informed of the rules of the competition. We regret that Eric Saade chose to disregard the non-political nature of the event.”

Since the commencement of the war in Gaza on October 7, Israel’s participation in Eurovision has been a contentious issue. Numerous artists, musicians, and fans across Europe have called for Israel’s exclusion from the competition due to its involvement in military action.

Several of this year’s Eurovision artists, including Windows95Man from Finland and SABA from Denmark, have also expressed contemplation on whether competing in Eurovision was appropriate if Israel remained involved.

Source: RTE / SVT

Eurovision 2024: Massive Nordic police operation ensures security for Eurovision in Malmö!

The final week in early May will, if not the biggest, be one of the biggest police operations in Malmö‘s history. For a whole week, Eurovision enthusiasts from around 80 countries gather to party, rejoice, and follow the competition live at Malmö Arena.

At the same time, protests against Israel‘s participation in the competition are becoming increasingly loud. Many demand that the country be prevented from participating. For the police, this situation means that security around the event must be strengthened. Nils Norling, press spokesperson for the Malmö Police says:

“For the police, Eurovision is a very big operation. Large parts of the personnel of the Malmö police are involved in this command. We also have a lot of people from other parts of Region South, and we will receive reinforcements from other parts of the Swedish Police Force throughout the week.”

Positive about the cooperation

The assessment is that it is not enough. The Swedish police are now seeking assistance from Danish and Norwegian police to reinforce the operation. Nils adds:

“We view their arrival very positively. It not only gives us relief but also the opportunity to train and work together, strengthening Nordic police cooperation. All foreign police officers will be supervised by Swedish officers.”

Collaboration between Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish police has occurred before. Swedish police have supported Danish colleagues in Denmark, and Norwegian police have assisted at football matches in Stockholm.

“It is part of Nordic police cooperation that we can support each other. The way Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian police work is very similar.”

says Nils Norling.

Previous collaborations

Danish and Norwegian police officers come with their own equipment, which may include police vehicles.

“We have previously received help from Danish police and borrowed firefighting vehicles, for example, during the Rosengård riots.”

Nils Norling does not want to disclose how many police officers – Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish – are involved in the command during Eurovision.

“We should not expose ourselves to being identified.”

Focus on the public festival

The police have been preparing for six months for Eurovision week. As the competition approaches, more and more employees have been involved.

“For every week, more people are engaged.”

Nils Norling says that residents and visitors to Malmö will notice a significant police presence in the city during the week of the competition. Throughout the city, there are activities related to Eurovision. In Malmö Arena, there are events almost daily, with finals and semi-finals and double rehearsals before them.

“We can assure everyone in Malmö that there will be a lot of police officers. People living in and visiting Malmö should be able to focus on the public festival. The police will handle security work.”

Stay tuned on Eurovisionfun for all the news regarding this year’s Eurovision Song Contest to be held this May in Malmö, Sweden and any updates regarding its planning!

Source: Skånska Dagbladet
Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

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Eurovision 2024: Activists protest Israel’s Eurovision Participation outside Malmö City Hall

Long live Palestine!” and “Israel is a terror state” – these slogans resounded outside Malmö City Hall as vocal activists gathered to influence the city’s politicians during the municipal board meeting earlier today, Wednesday, coinciding with the municipal executive board’s consideration of a citizen’s proposal to halt Israel‘s participation in Eurovision.

Today, the board will take a position on citizens’ initiatives aimed at stopping Israel‘s participation in the competition in May. The City of Malmö‘s government has already made it clear on several occasions – it is not up to the municipality to stop countries from participating.

“But they can do something. In that case, the City of Malmö should make a statement that Israel is not welcome in Malmö.”

says Yomn Kadoura, spokesperson for the network Stop Israel to TT and adds:

“And that they send emails to the EBU and say that Israel is not welcome at Eurovision!”

The Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Malmö between 7 and 11 May, and the war between Israel and Hamas has stirred up strong feelings around Europe regarding the music competition. Sydsvenskan has previously reported that Tarabband, Crying Day Care Choir, and Nevergreens have canceled their concerts. Yesterday, Medina also announced their resignation.

The fact that the festivities are surrounded by growing criticism is a concern for the host city. Karin Karlsson, the main project manager for the City of Malmö‘s hosting, told TT last week.

“We want a Malmö where we come out of this in one piece.” 

Stay tuned on Eurovisionfun for all the news regarding this year’s Eurovision Song Contest to be held this May in Malmö, Sweden and any updates regarding its planning!

Source: Anna Karolina Eriksson/TT
Photo: Per Pixel Petersson/

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Sweden: Demonstration in Stockholm against Israel in Eurovision! | Around 2000 people protest!

An estimated 1,500 to 2,000 people have gathered at Odenplan in Stockholm for the demonstration, according to a police officer on site. The procession went to Gustav Adolfs Torg where the Ministry for Foreign Affairs has its office.

In the procession, several Palestinian flags were seen and the demonstrators chanted several slogans for Palestine.

Many had pictures of watermelons – a symbol of Palestinian struggle, and from the back of a car the demonstrators were urged to try to coup watermelons into the Melodifestivalen‘s TV broadcasts again, as two activists did last week. Per Hussein, who is involved in arranging the demonstration, says:

“The watermelon is a symbol of freedom and justice. The only people who would oppose such a symbol are those who stand against freedom and justice, and I don’t see why anyone would want to do that.”

Several of the demonstrators carried placards with messages about Israel’s Eurovision participation. Protester Lubna al Sheikhly said:

“Everyone agreed that Russia should not be involved. Now, after the deaths of 30,000 children, Israel is allowed to participate. This is not right.”

EBU: Israel’s public service broadcaster does not break the rules

The Eurovision organizer EBU‘s position is that the music competition is not between countries, but between public service broadcasters and that Israel‘s companies have not violated the contest rules.

There have been calls to ban Israel from Eurovision 2024, like 1000 Swedish musicians that signed today a petition to the EBU against Israel outside NRK right during the first two weeks of MGP. In Iceland, more than 500 artists signed a petition asking RÚV to withdraw from the contest, while Silvia Night signed an open letter to the EBU asking to ban Israel. In Finland1300 artists signed a petition asking for Israel to be removed. The British representative Olly Alexander has also shared in public his opinion against Israel. Also just recently Montaigne signed an open letter to the EBU asking the ban of Israel from the contest and Ben Dolic joined her by doing the same.

Source: Aftonbladet
Photo: Peter Wixtröm/Aftonbladet

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Slovenia: RTV SLO to Seek EBU and Council Members’ Opinion on Israel’s Participation in the Contest!

Following a plea from the Palestinian Rights Movement to the management of Slovenia’s public broadcaster, RTV SLO, there’s now a call to exclude Israel from the Eurovision. Specifically, 25 members of the European Parliament requested the cancellation of the decision allowing Israel’s participation in the upcoming contest in May in Malmö.

Several non-governmental and trade union organizations, Slovenian cultural figures, and artists, including some former Slovenian Eurovision representatives, signed the call by the Palestinian Rights Movement.

RTV SLO responded to their request, stating:

“The majority of the global audience is closely following events in Gaza. The EBU has already explained twice that the participants in the Eurovision Song Contest are public broadcasters, not countries.”

However, they added that they would still urge the EBU and its members to conduct a substantive discussion on the matter.

Raiven will represent Slovenia in Malmö this coming May with the song “Veronika,” entirely in Slovenian. She will compete in the second half of the First Semi-Final on May 7th.

Stay tuned to Eurovisionfun for all the developments regarding Slovenia’s participation in the Eurovision 2024 in Malmö!

Source: RTV SLO

Sweden: These artists want Israel banned from Eurovision! | SVT’s response: “The EBU decides!”

As you may have read in one of our previous articles, Expressen was able to reveal this weekend that more than 1.000 Swedish artists are demanding that Israel be banned from Eurovision. This is due to the ongoing Middle-Eastern conflict between Israel and Hamas, which has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of civilians in Gaza.

Today, the list of all the artists was published by Expressen, including Eric Saade, Marlena Ernman, Timbuktu, also Medina and Jacqline, who are competing in Melodifestivalen this year, have also signed. Also the global star Robyn joined the petition. You can have a look on the full list of artists who signed here!

“Serious war crimes”

There have been calls to ban Israel from Eurovision 2024, like 1000 Swedish musicians that signed today a petition to the EBU against Israel outside NRK right during the first two weeks of MGP. In Iceland, more than 500 artists signed a petition asking RÚV to withdraw from the contest, while Silvia Night signed an open letter to the EBU asking to ban Israel. In Finland1300 artists signed a petition asking for Israel to be removed. The British representative Olly Alexander has also shared in public his opinion against Israel. Also just recently Montaigne signed an open letter to the EBU asking the ban of Israel from the contest and Ben Dolic joined her by doing the same. Now 1000 Swedish artists are demanding that Israel be stopped from participating in the Eurovision Song Contest. The petition reads:

“For more than 100 days, we have witnessed the Israeli army committing what leading human rights organizations describe as grave war crimes. The Eurovision Song Contest began as a peace project with the ambition to unite countries and citizens through music. Allowing Israel to participate undermines not only the spirit of the contest but the entire public service mission. It also sends the signal that governments can commit war crimes without consequences. That is why we appeal to the EBU: Exclude Israel from the Eurovision Song Contest 2024.

SVT’s answer: “The EBU decides!”

SVT has, through Åsa Barsness, HR and Communications Director, published a response to the demands directed at them, on a press release:

“It is the EBU that decides who participates in the competition and as the host country, SVT relates to what the EBU decides. The human suffering in this deeply complex conflict is horrific. No one can be unmoved by the conditions in Gaza right now, or by the Hamas attack in Israel. We are also concerned about developments. We understand and respect that groups make their voices heard.”

She further writes that SVT has a dialogue with the EBU and hopes to be able to carry out Eurovision in the “best way, with the vision of uniting in music.

Eurovision will be held in Malmö in May this year and Karin Karlsson is responsible for the city’s initiative. She talked about how they view the artists’ petition, to Expressen:

“We can’t influence whether Israel is in or not, that’s the EBU’s responsibility. We have said all along that everyone is welcome in Malmö.”

Source: Expressen, SVT
Photo: Alex Ljungdahl / Expressen

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