France: Aiming for the victory in Eurovision 2023 – Announcements to be made soon!

With Junior Eurovision 2022 complete and France being the big winner, all eyes of France Télévisions are now on Eurovision 2023.

Although last July it was announced that the country will organize a national final for the selection of its participation, there have been no further announcements about the submission of entries, nor information about the selection process.

This time last year, the deadline for submitting entries had already closed, while at the end of 2020, we knew all twelve artists of Eurovision France: C’est vous qui décidez 2021.

Appearing on Radio Sud on Christmas Eve, France’s head of delegation for the competition, Alexandra Redde-Amiel, was asked about the country’s plans for the upcoming competition and also about whether the channel would opt for a renewed national final or an internal selection. Her answer was the following:

We focused so much on Eurovision Junior, while I was also involved with Eurovision for adults. I have a lot of great surprises that I will announce to you, not immediately but soon. We want to win Eurovision, so there are several issues. I’m going to take a few days off and I think that’s when my final decision will be made.

Alexandra Redde-Amiel declined to say more, simply repeating her desire to continue to “be proud” and boost the Eurovision brand in France. Above all, the head of the delegation confirms it loud and clear: France wants to win Eurovision. This is of course the reason for the country’s second Junior Eurovision victory, as well as Barbara Pravi’s second place in 2021.

As for 2022, France Télévisions, in addition to failing in viewership numbers (1.47 million viewers and 8.8% viewership), the channel had received mixed reviews regarding the quality of its selection (despite the 3,000 song submissions). Alvan & Ahez’s penultimate place in Turin’s Grand Final (France’s worst result since Eurovision 2005), however, hasn’t got the country’s hopes down for a future win.

With rumors swirling either of a renewed national final, or an internal selection with a well-known artist, France Télévisions is expected to make an announcement early in the new year.

In 2022, Alvan & Ahez represented France with the song “Fulenn”. They finished 24th in the Grand Final with 17 points.

Stay tuned to Eurovisionfun for all news regarding France’s entry in Eurovision 2023!


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