
Israel: With “October Rain” Eden Golan in Eurovision 2024?

According to reports in the Israeli media, the song chosen by the country’s public television commission for Eden Golan to compete in Eurovision 2024 is October Rain. However, a conflict between the composers of the song can bring about last-minute twists.

Clash of the creators of October Rain

Eran Suisa of Israel Hayom, a well-known journalist who has from time to time revealed many news concerning Israel in the contest, in his article reveals that the selection of KAN for Eurovision 2024 is the song of Avi Ohion, Keren Peles and Stav Begar, October Rain. The song is in English lyrics, except for two phrases in Hebrew, and refers to the events of October 7, with the terrorist attack by Hamas on Israeli soil, which resulted in the death of thousands of civilians and the kidnapping of hundreds of hostages. This terrorist attack led to the start of hostilities in Gaza, between the armed forces of Israel and the fighters of Hamas. A war conflict that continues to this day.

The announcement of the song was expected to happen immediately after its approval by the EBU, while the video clip would be released in early March. However, a last-minute development may bring reversals. So according to what Era Suisa reports, Stav Begar reportedly wants his name placed among the creators of the song, with Avi Ohion and Keren Peles not agreeing and insisting that he should be credited simply as an arranger.

Stav Berger claims that if his request is not accepted, he will ask for the song to be withdrawn. This would eventually result in the second shortlisted song, Mai Safdia and Yanon Yahal (creators of Unicorn) being selected.

Is October Rain a political song?

In addition to all of the above, the debate was also opened as to whether Israel could participate in the competition, with a song with this title and these implications?

There are not a few who believe that the song is clearly political and the EBU should not allow it. On the other hand, there are also voices that parallel the case of October Rain with Jamala’s 1944, saying that the song simply recounts events that have happened, having a historical and not a political connotation.

The solution will be given by the EBU which will approve or not the lyrics of the song. KAN in any case has an alternative solution, the second song, which it has also sent for approval to the EBU.

Stay tuned to Eurovisionfun for all the updates!

Israel: KAN’s announcement of Eden Golan’s song for Eurovision 2024!

Israel’s public television, KAN, has come up with the song with which Eden Golan will participate in the Eurovision Song Contest. The committee selected the winning song by secret ballot. KAN sent its decision to the EBU for approval. Once the EBU approves the song, it will be released to the public.

The KAN announcement states:

The committee for the selection of the song that will represent Israel at the Eurovision Song Contest met at the company’s offices and held a professional discussion that ended with a secret vote for the two songs that reached the final stage.
The voting results, confirmed by the company’s lawyers and approved by the committee.

We remind you that the two nominated songs are signed by important creators, with experience and success in the competition. One is composed by Eden Golan herself and produced by Yanon Yahel and Mai Sepadia (composer of Unicorn) and the other is composed again by Eden Golan, in collaboration with Keren Peles, Avi Ohayon and Stu Bager (composer of Toy ).

A few days ago, the EBU confirmed once again Israel’s participation in Eurovision 2024, despite calls to the contrary from various centers, which called for its exclusion from the upcoming song contest.

We are now waiting with interest for the final announcement about Israel’s entry in Eurovision 2024. As mentioned above, this will happen after the final approval of the song by the EBU.

Stay tuned to Eurovisionfun for all the updates!

A new statement from the EBU confirms Israel’s participation in Eurovision 2024!

Israel can still take part in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest, organizers say again, despite calls for it to be excluded because of the war in Gaza, as it was with Russia in 2022 after its invasion of Ukraine.

The EBU has once again confirmed Israel’s participation

The EBU in a new statement on Thursday, after checking all the facts and data, decided that Israel could participate in the upcoming song contest in Malmö, Sweden.

“The Eurovision song contest is a non-political music event and a competition between public service broadcasters who are members of the EBU. It is not a contest between governments,” the EBU director general, Noel Curran, said in a statement.

Our governing bodies … did review the participants list for the 2024 contest and agreed that the Israeli public broadcaster Kan met all the competition rules for this year and can participate, as it has for the past 50 years.

Israel and Russia two different cases

But Noel Curran does not stop at this statement, he also explains the reasons why the case of Israel’s participation in the Eurovision contest is not the same as that of Russia.

In the case of Russia, the Russian broadcasters themselves were suspended from the EBU due to their persistent breaches of membership obligations and the violation of public service values.

The relationship between Kan and the Israeli government is fundamentally different to the relationship that exists between those Russian members and the state, with the Israeli government in recent years threatening to close down the broadcaster.

Curran finally explained how the EBU followed other international organizations, such as sports federations, that kept Israel in their competitions.

Israel will be represented at Eurovision 2024 by Eden Golan, with a song to be announced in the coming weeks. The Israeli delegation this year will limit its appearances to a minimum for security reasons, even avoiding the parade on the turquoise carpet, one week before the competition.

Stay tuned to Eurovisionfun for all the updates!

Source: The Guardian

Israel: With the composers of Unicorn or Toy, Eden at Eurovision 2024?

According to Israeli media reports today, KAN rejected one of Eden Golan’s top three candidate songs for Eurovision 2024 because of its lyrics, which contained political overtones. Two songs remain in contention, with major composers signing both.

The delay in announcing the song with which Eden Golan will represent Israel at Eurovision 2024 is due to the fact that KAN rejected one of the top three candidate songs. The verse, YNET reports today, contained political messages and was therefore against the competition’s regulations.

The decision on the song that will be chosen is expected perhaps at the end of the week, as long as the EBU first approves the lyrics of the two remaining songs. A committee will make the final selection and if there is no issue, the song announcement will take place in the next few days.

It is worth noting that the control of the lyrics was done after a request addressed by the Israeli public television to the EBU, something that has happened several times in the past.

The two songs are signed by very important composers, who have great successes to their credit both in Eurovision and outside of it. One is composed by Eden Golan herself and produced by Yanon Yahel and Mai Sepadia (composer of Unicorn) and the other is composed again by Eden Golan, in collaboration with Keren Peles, Avi Ohayon and Stu Bager (composer of Toy ).

All of the above is happening at a time when more than 400 celebrities from the entertainment industry support Israel’s participation in Eurovision and at a time when, once again, the EBU confirms that Israel will participate normally in the competition, separating its case from that of Russia a few years ago.

With the minimum of appearances as you read in our previous article, Israel is expected to participate normally in Malmo, in a very special year for the country and while the war conflict in Gaza continues.

Stay tuned to Eurovisionfun for all the developments!

Source: YNET

Israel: Eden Golan will not attend the turquoise carpet, honoring Holocaust Remembrance Day!

The Israeli media are reporting that Eden Golan will not be marching on the Turquoise Carpet on Sunday, May 5th, both for security reasons and wanting to honor Holocaust Remembrance Day.

A large and complex security plan is being prepared for the Eden Golan by both the Swedish organizers and the Israeli security services. Eden Golan, who after her victory in HaKokhav Haba and her selection as the representative of Israel in Eurovision 2024, receives many online attacks, will limit her appearances in Malmö to a minimum.

In this context is the decision of the Israeli public television, Eden Golan not to march on the turquoise carpet, together with the other 36 artists participating in this year’s song contest, which will take place on Sunday 5/5 and essentially marks the start of Eurovision 2024.

Both for security reasons, but also to commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day, Eden Golan will not attend this event.

All this is happening while the pressure is intensifying from the artists of various countries, who do not want the presence of Israel in Malmö, something that the EBU has made clear is not going to happen, saying that the Israeli public television meets all the conditions to take part normally in the contest , reminding everyone that the Eurovision song contest is a non-political event.

At the moment, Eden Golan is in the recording phase of the song with which she will represent Israel at Eurovision 2024, which will be released in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned to Eurovisionfun for all the updates!

400 Danish artists including Mø send petition to DR demanding to expel Israel from Eurovision!

More than 400 professionals associated with the Danish music industry have signed a petition asking for Israel to be excluded from Eurovision 2024.


According to Kulturmonitor, the signing artists demand the expulsion of Israel from the upcoming Eurovision 2024.

The list of signing artists includes well-known names in the music industry such as  Tessa, Mø, Eee Gee, Pil, Marwan, Brimheim, Barbro, Erika de Casier, and many more.

“When Israel’s failure to comply with international law and order has no consequences, war crimes, occupation, and blockade are normalized. We believe that the EBU and all member states contribute to this normalization by allowing Israel to participate in this year’s Eurovision” says the open letter from the artists.

The petition finishes by stating that:

We cannot be passive and watch as a country that commits gross war crimes against an imprisoned people is invited to a joint celebration of music, diversity, and cohesion. We strongly urge DR to stand up for the exclusion of Israel in this year’s Eurovision.

You can read the entire petition in this link .  You can find the complete list of signing artists in this link.

Do you agree with this petition?  Do you think Israel should participate in Eurovision 2024?

Source: Kulturmonitor

Stay tuned at EurovisionFun for more news about Israel at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024!

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Eden Golan: “I would like a song with a message, a huge song”!

The winner of HaKokhav Haba and now representative of Israel in Eurovision 2024, spoke to our colleagues from Euromix, shortly before the final of the talent show. Among what she said, she also described the song with which she would like to represent her country in the contest!

The 20-year-old performer impressed from her first audition at HaKokhav Haba, gathering 100%, a record that has never happened in the years the said talent show has been held. She is as nervous as she needs to be, but she has high expectations both for her stage appearance and for the song with which she will be invited to represent Israel at Eurovision.

She would like a song with English and Hebrew lyrics, but also with a strong message:

It cannot be a song entirely in Hebrew. We need some Hebrew lyrics that unite us, but it has to be in English, with a message, a huge song!

In the ballad or dance song dilemma, Eden Golan explains how she could serve both.

Maybe I should combine both? Everything is still theoretical and many things can be done. If a commanding heart-wrenching ballad is submitted to the committee, then I will be happy to compete with a ballad. If a song is submitted that includes dancing but also has a message of strength and empowerment then that would be great. But maybe a combination of both it would be the best solution.

As for the reactions in some countries to Israel’s participation and whether this could affect the chances of winning in Malmö, it is something that Eden realizes exists, but prefers to focus on the love and sympathy that exists from someone else portion of the world and not in hatred.

There is a lot of hatred towards Israel and that is something that cannot be ignored, but on the other hand there is also a lot of love and many times we focus more on the bad things and less attention on the good things. What is important is to represent Israel with pride and give our best, make our people happy – and whatever happens will be for the best.

Watch the full interview below:

How the song will be chosen

The broadcaster, KAN, has issued an invitation to a wide range of Israeli creators to submit songs for the winner of “HaKokhav Haba” to compete in Eurovision 2024. A key requirement for this year’s submissions is that the songs must include Hebrew lyrics.

At least 30 creators will nominate their songs for the winner of “HaKokhav Haba” and participants are allowed to submit up to two songs each until February 11. All creators must have Israeli citizenship and foreign creators are not allowed to participate. Submitted songs will be presented anonymously to a seven-member selection committee.

The committee will evaluate the songs based on professional criteria, such as the quality and originality of the lyrics and melody, the suitability of the song for the artist, its suitability for the Eurovision contest, the possibility of the song’s success at Eurovision, the suitability of the representation of the broadcaster as public broadcasting, the overall impression left by the song and other relevant criteria.

If the committee does not find a suitable song, it has the option of inviting the general public to submit additional songs, or choose a song published after September 1, or choose a song from other proposals made for Israel’s participation in the Eurovision between 2021 and 2023.

The winning song will be edited, recorded and a music video produced for the song’s unveiling, which is scheduled for a special broadcast in late February or early March.

Stay tuned to Eurovisionfun for all the updates regarding Israel’s participation in Eurovision 2024, in Malmö!

Source: Euromix

Israel: The results of the 22nd episode | The finalists of HaKokhav Haba!

Yesterday 01/02, the 22nd episode of HaKokhav Haba (special edition), the talent show through which the artist who will raise the flag of Israel at Eurovision 2024 will be announced!

As we have already informed you, 35 artists passed the scope of the auditions, with 14 of them going to the second phase – the battles phase, and they will claim the representation of the country in Eurovision 2024!

In the 22nd episode we watched the four candidates perform one song each and three of them make it to the finals of HaKokhav Haba and one leaves. We remind you that the presenters of HaKokhav Haba are Assi Azar and Rotem Sela who have been in this position since 2014, while the members of the jury are Shiri Maimon, Itay Levy, Assaf Amdorsky, Ran Dankar and Keren Pels with a new addition being Eden Hasson.

Four contestants then appeared in front of an audience and a jury and the player who collected the lowest score, leaves HaKokhav Haba.

Mika Moshe

Mika opened the night with the song ‘Yash Lech Otoch’, her original song with singer Miri Mesika. Mika’s voice is velvety and exciting as usual.

Shay Tamino

Shay Tamino chose to sing the song “What About You” by Pink tonight. Shai is an exciting singer and during her performance the judges realize how difficult the competition will be.

Dor Shimon

Dor chose to perform the song “When You Went Away” by Shiri Maimon. Dor dedicates the song to his friend the late Dvir Fima, an armored officer who fell in the fighting in the Gaza Strip, and to all the soldiers who defend the country.

Eden Golan

Eden performed the song “Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera. Eden stands on stage in a white dress with four violinists at her side. All the judges agreed that with this appearance she could go to Eurovision even now.

After the completion of the songs, the following results were announced:

Overall jury results
70 points – Eden Golan
62 points – Mika Moshe
46 points – Dor Shimon
44 points – Shay Tamino

Shiri Maimon
12 points – Eden Golan
10 points – Mika Moshe
8 points – Dor Shimon
7 points – Shay Tamino

Keren Pels
12 points – Eden Golan
10 points – Mika Moshe
8 points – Shay Tamino
7 points – Dor Shimon

Ran Dankar
12 points – Eden Golan
10 points – Mika Moshe
8 points – Dor Shimon
7 points – Shay Tamino

Assaf Amdorsky
12 points – Eden Golan
10 points – Mika Moshe
8 points – Shay Tamino
7 points – Dor Shimon

Eden Hasson
12 points – Eden Golan
10 points – Mika Moshe
8 points – Dor Shimon
7 points – Shay Tamino

Itay Levy
12 points – Mika Moshe
10 points – Eden Golan
8 points – Dor Shimon
7 points – Shay Tamino

Overall TV Audience Results:
89 points
85 points
57 points
51 points – Shay Tamino

The top three places have not been revealed to maintain suspense for the final. Unfortunately, Shay Tamino leaves the competition.

So the four HaKokhav Haba finalists are:
Or Cohen
Eden Golan
Dor Shimon
Mika Moshe

We remind you that the HaKokhav Haba final will take place on February 6.

Through HaKokhav HaBa, Israel managed to qualify every year to the final of our favorite competition from 2015 to 2020, while in 2018 Netta was also the winner of Eurovision with the song “Toy”.

This year Israel at Eurovision 2023 in Liverpool was represented by the explosive Noa Kirel and the song “Unicorn” who gave the Middle Eastern country the third place in the Grand Final by collecting 362 points.

Stay tuned to Eurovisionfun for all the updates!

Source: Euromix

Israel: The results of HaKokhav Haba’s 21st episode | Or Cohen is the first finalist!

The 21st episode of HaKokhav Haba (special edition) was just concluded. HaKokhav Haba is the talent show under which the artist that will represent Israel at Eurovision 2024 will be selected.

Out of the 35 artists who made it beyond the audition stage, 14 advanced to the battles’ phase, where they will compete to represent their country in Eurovision 2024!

In episode twenty-one, the five remaining artists performed solo one song each, while one of them was directly advanced to the Grand Final of the competition. Assi Azar and Rotem Sela, serve as the show’s hosts, as they have been doing since 2014. The jury is consisted of Eden HassonShiri MaimonItay LevyAssaf AmdorskyRan Dankar, and Keren Pels.

The performances of the 21st episode

The five remaining contestants performed in front of an audience and a panel of judges. The contestant who achieved the highest score, directly advances to the Grand Final of HaKokhav Haba.

Mika Moshe

Mika opened the song with “Umbrella” by Rihanna. As always, Mika has a smooth and captivating voice. Even though two judges did not vote for it, he achieved a score of 84%.

Dor Shimon

Dor chose to perform “In love with the rain” by Ofer Levy .Definitely one of the best singers of this season, he has a powerful voice. While all jurors voted for him, he did not convince the TV audience, as he achieved a score of 80%.

Shay Tamino

Shay Tamino chose to sing “Loruh Hayam” by Ofra Haza tonight. Given that she gave an ethnic performance in front of the judges, there was disagreement among them regarding her interpretation. Three judges voted her out and she achieved a final score of 62%.

Or Cohen

Cohen selected Margol’s “Clay Walls.” Or gives yet another outstanding performance, demonstrating her talent as a singer throughout the season. She gave an excellent of the song. With the support of all the judges, she achieved a score of 93%.

Eden Golan

Eden performed “Roar” by Katy Perry. She is definitely a talented singer. Although all of the judges voted for her, their opinions varied. Hence, Eden achieved a score of 88%.

The results

After all the performances were concluded and with a 93% score, Or Cohen achieved the highest score among all five contestants tonight. Hence, she directly advances to the Grand Final of HaKokhav Haba and is a step closer to the Israeli representation in Malmö.

Now, the four remaining artists who will claim the three remaining spots in the Grand Final on the next episode of HaKokhav Haba, are the following:

  • Eden Golan
  • Dor Shimon
  • Shai Tamino
  • Mika Moshe

The Grand Final of HaKokhav Haba will take place on February 6.

Israel qualified for the finals every year from 2015 to 2020 through HaKokhav HaBa, and Netta won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2018 with the song “Toy”.

Israel was represented last year by Noa Kirel and the song “Unicorn”, which came in third place with 362 points overall.

Stay tuned to EurovisionFun for all the news!

Source: euromix

Israel: On February 6, the choice of representative for Eurovision 2024!

In an announcement, Israel’s public television reports today that the HaKokhav Haba final will be held on February 6, where the Israeli representative for Eurovision 2024 will be chosen.

Four contestants will compete in the grand finale of HaKokhav Haba for the ticket to Malmo, Sweden. The winner will be chosen by the viewers and judges.

KAN has already made a call to a wide range of Israeli creators to submit the song with which the winner of HaKokhav Haba will represent the country at Eurovision 2024. A necessary condition for those who submit a song this year is that it also contains Jewish lyrics.

At least 30 creators will nominate their songs for the winner of HaKokhav Haba, who will also be able to nominate a song. All creators must have Israeli citizenship, while foreign creators are not allowed to participate. Each creator can submit up to two songs, until February 11th.

The song selection committee will consist of seven members and will choose based on professional criteria such as: the quality and originality of the lyrics and melody, the suitability of the song for the artist, the suitability of the song for the Eurovision contest, the chances success of the song in the Eurovision contest, suitability for representing the company as a public broadcaster, the general impression left by the song and other relevant criteria.

The proposed songs will be presented to the committee anonymously, without revealing the identity of the creators of the songs to the committee members. Composers participating in Israel’s song selection process will not be able to participate as composers in another country for Eurovision 2024.

According to the regulations, if the committee does not find a suitable song, it can publish a call to the general public for additional songs, or choose a song that has been published after September 1, or choose a song from other songs submitted for Israel’s participation at Eurovision, between 2021-2023.

The winning song will be edited, recorded and produced a clip, in preparation for the program to reveal the song, as well as for its submission to Eurovision. The song will be announced in a special show in late February or early March!

At the moment there are seven artists left in the running to represent Israel at Eurovision 2024:

Leanne Byrne
Eden Golan
Arik Sinai
Shay Tamino
Or Cohen
Mika Moshe
Dor Shimoni

One of the above will be the HaKokhav Haba winner and the one who will get the ticket to the 68th Eurovision Song Contest.

Last year Israel at Eurovision 2023 in Liverpool was represented by the explosive Noa Kirel and the song “Unicorn” who gave the Middle Eastern country the third place in the Grand Final, collecting 362 points.

Stay tuned to Eurovisionfun for all developments regarding Israel’s participation in Eurovision 2024, in Malmö!

Source: Euromix