Greece: This is how Stefania’s song for Eurovision 2021 will be decided! EXCLUSIVE

The time for decissions in Greece have arrived! In the coming days, ERT will announce the way it will choose the song with which Stefania will participate in the 65th Eurovision Song Contest. Eurovision Fun exclusively brings you the latest information.

Five songs for Stefania

As it has already become known, Stefania on her last trip to Athens, recorded five potential songs for Eurovision. Among them there is a song that the young singer and her team choose in order to be the song that will be the Greek entry in the contest.

The composers of these five songs, of course, are the same group that signed SUPERG!RL. Dimitris Kontopoulos, Sharon Vaughn and ARCADE.

ERT’s decision to select the song

In the coming days, the ERT team that deals with the contest, will meet once again, in order to make the final decisions on how to choose the Greek entry in the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest.

According to all our exclusive information, the preferred solution is the internal choice. The new television data due to the pandemic, the time limits that are narrowing at a time when this year requires more time for the artistic team to prepare the live on tape video, but also the difficulties that exist in travel, made ERT revise the initial of her plans, which was to conduct an open selection.

The above practically means that a process similar to the one followed in the last two years will probably be chosen. Before one wonders why there is no an online process like the one in the Czech Republic or in part in Israel, the answer is that it is not possible at the moment. Stefania recorded 5 demos, they are not complete recordings. If this choice was hypothetically chosen, Stefania would have to come to Greece again in the next few days (to pass the necessary quarantine), complete the recordings and then proceed to the online voting. Another month would be wasted, while the candidate songs would have to be made public so early, something the artistic team does not want.

However, fortunately, and if the situation with the pandemic is brought under control, ERT intends even next year to hold a national final for the selection of the Greek entry, listening to the desire of many artists, but also fans.

ERT loves Eurovision and if we think about the shift of Greek public broadcaster to a commercial and entertainment program this year, we are optimistic that we will see beautiful things in the part that concerns the contest.

Stay tuned to Eurovision Fun for all the news regarding the Greek entry in the 65th Eurovision Song Contest!

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  1. […] According to Eurovision Fun, Greek broadcaster ERT is highly likely to internally-select Stefania’s Eurovision 2021 entry. A public selection has been ruled out due to the ongoing pandemic. It is expected that there will be a formal announcement in the coming weeks. […]

  2. […] According to Eurovision Fun, Greek broadcaster ERT is highly likely to internally-select Stefania’s Eurovision 2021 entry. A public selection has been ruled out due to the ongoing pandemic. It is expected that there will be a formal announcement in the coming weeks. […]

  3. […] вероятнее всего, будет выбрана внутренним отбором. Об этом сообщает сайт Eurovision Fun. Ожидается,что в ближайшее время вещатель ERT сделает […]

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