Entries by Giannis Argyriou

Moldova: Dream Team is getting ready for Eurovision 2021 | Natalia Gordienko’s recording is completed!

The recording of Natalia Gordienko‘s song, with which she will represent Moldova in Eurovision 2021 and is composed by the famous Greek creator, Dimitris Kontopoulos, was completed with absolute success. The recording of the song took place in Moscow, since due to travel restrictions it was not possible for Natalia Gordienko to come to Athens. […]

Moldova: Natalia Gordienko goes to Moscow to record her Eurovision 2021 entry!

Natalia Gordienko, Moldova’s representative at Eurovision 2021, will travel to Moscow today to record the song with which she will participate in the contest. Although originally the plan was for Natalia Gordienko to record her entry in Athens in the studio of Dimitris Kontopoulos, the travel bans changed the plans and thus the solution of […]

VAL’s answer to BTRC for Eurovision 2021: “We made our choice and BTRC made theirs”!

One day after the announcement of the Belarusian Public Broadcaster (BTRC) that VAL will not represent the country in Eurovision 2021 because they have no conscience, the band gave their own answer and explanation through their instagram profile, typically saying that they made their choice, not being able to tolerate the violence and injustice that […]