Problems with the song selected at Eurovision have not only been in Cyprus, as you have understood. In Russia, the song chosen for the contest seems to be divisive, while the country’s Orthodox Church is also critical of Manizha’s Russian Woman.
The Russian Orthodox Church has commented to RIA Novosti on the country’s entry in the contest, saying that songs that infuriate “female compatriots” and humiliate women’s dignity should not be chosen.
On Wednesday, the representative of the Council of the Russian Federation, Valentina Matvienko, as we informed you in our relevant article, expressed surprise at the content of Manizha’s song, asking for information from Channel 1 about the process of selecting a singer and song that followed .
In turn, Senator Elena Afanasieva noted that “many Russians were surprised by this choice: surprised by the appearance, surprised by the song.” According to Afanasieva: “there is no meaning in the song, it is not understood what kind of African-American dance it is!”. The senator believes that it is necessary to understand what values the performer representing Russia preserves or not.
“A significant part of the Russian public is outraged by this piece. “I have heard of a negative reaction both from the Orthodox community, specifically from women (the Orthodox Women’s Union protested), and that many Russian women are outraged by this song,” said the deputy head of the synodal department of the Moscow Patriarchate. Church – Society and Media relations.
In fact, he stressed that “any creation that has to do with Russia and has female issues in its content should not provoke anger among the women of our country.”
“We proceed from the fact that the protection of traditional values is enshrined in the constitution of the country and one of them is the value of motherhood, which presupposes unconditional respect for women. “Anything that demeans a woman’s dignity is not worth spreading internationally, including the Eurovision Song Contest,” said a spokesman for the Russian Orthodox Church.
Manizha has its origins in Tajikistan, which became known through social media. In December 2020, she became the first UN goodwill ambassador for refugees from Russia.
The song has so far been characterized as: a challenge for the Russians, a parody of them, which leaves a bad taste “.
The Orthodox Women’s Union insists it cannot go to Eurovision, as the image of Russia is being publicly insulted. The song in it talks about children who grow up without a father, about broken families, about women who are considered older after 30 and are pressured to have children, about women who “must” lose weight and about the fact that Russian women always want to leave country and seek their fortune elsewhere;
As you understand the drama does not end…
Source: Tass