It seems that RIK is preparing a big surprise for the Eurovision 2022. Eurovisionfun presents to you exclusively everything that RIK has been planning lately in relation to its participation and it is definitely news that will make you excited!
What we officially know so far
What has been said and is known so far, is that RIK wants in its next entry to have a strong Cypriot element, in the team that will represent the country in Turin.
The head of the press of the Cypriot delegation, Andreas Anastasiou, in the interview he gave to the show of Melina Karageorgiou on RIK, Europhoria, stated that 2022 will be a year where the Cypriot talent will be displayed in the competition. As people from RIK told us, this means that the country would be represented by Cypriots at Eurovision 2022, without clarifying whether this concerns the artist or only the creators.
With a composer-surprise at Eurovision 2022
RIK follows the same selection method used in recent years. At first they choose the song and then having the song and a complete proposal, they seek to find the artist.
For Eurovision 2022 and according to our exclusive and secure information, RIK plans to be represented by a song signed by George Michael.
George Michael or Georgios Kyriakos Panagiotou as his real name is, was born and raised in London, but having a Cypriot father, as his name testifies. He was involved in music from a very young age, while he gained worldwide recognition initially as a member of Wham and later as a solo artist. He is considered one of the biggest pop stars of the 80s and 90s, while counting dozens of hits.
The successful songwriter passed away in 2016, but has left a large legacy of anecdotal pieces. One of these songs that did not manage to be released, wants the RIK team to ensure that it will be the next Cypriot participation in the contest.
The proposal to a well-known Greek singer
As we are informed from the environment of a well-known Greek singer, RIK has already contacted him, proposing him to represent Cyprus in Eurovision 2022 with the song of George Michael.
The artist in question reserved his answer, expecting of course to listen to the proposed song first. From his environment, however, there are some serious reservations.
The basic and most expected reservation of course is whether a song by George Michael, which as a songwriter was successful in the 80s and 90s mainly, can musically meet the requirements of the competition in 2022. In addition, there is a fear that because it is a George Michael’s song, which is no longer alive, is considered by some to be emotional blackmail. Finally, although of course we are talking about a very big name in world music history, there are concerns of repeating the story with Bonnie Tyler, where her name alone was not enough to bring enough points to the UK in 2013, occupying the 19th place.
For all the above reasons, the artist’s team will give its final answer to RIK, as soon as it has the song in its hands and it will be possible to evaluate all the data.
Of course all of the above will make sense once the securing of George Michael’s song by the company that manages the copyright is completed. In case the above perspective fails, then RIK will look for another song, always aiming to be represented by a Cypriot composer.
What do you think about RIK’s plans for Eurovision 2022? Tell us in the comments below!