
Italy: COVID-19 threatens Sanremo 2021 | RAI final decisions in January!

At the presentation of AmaSanremo, the competition through which 6 finalists for the Giovani category of Sanremo 2021 will emerge, the artistic director and presenter of the Festival, Amadeus, revealed that the final decisions of RAI will be announced in January, since no one can already knows what will happen with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Amadeus said that both he and the RAI people are working to have a safe Sanremo from March 2 to 6, with the audience in the stands of the Teatro Ariston. Unfortunately, the evolution with the pandemic is such that nothing can be ruled out. Any decisions, however, will be made in January.

However, regardless of what will eventually happen and what RAI will decide, all the procedures related to Sanremo 2021 continue normally. Amadeus has already revealed that the interest in the Big category is twice as high as last year, from all record companies and independent musicians. He characteristically stated that among the candidates we will see well-known names, but also contemporary artists who are now making a success.

The director of RAI1, Stefano Coletta confirmed what Amadeus said, adding that nothing is a given at the moment and especially for the presence or not of the public, they will decide at the last minute, taking into account the epidemiological situation that will prevail.

We remind you that according to the recently announced Sanremo 2021 regulations, the winner of the big category will have the opportunity if he/she wishes to represent Italy in the Eurovision Song Contest. In case of refusal then RAI will select another contestant of the big category, most likely following the final ranking of the festival. The artists of the big category of Sanremo 2021 will be announced on the night of the selection of the 8 finalists of the Giovani category, in the Casino of the City of Sanremo, on the 17th of December.

The winner of Sanremo 2020 and the representative of Italy in Eurovision 2020 that was finally canceled, was Diodato with Fai Rumore:

Source: radioitalia

Italy: Sanremo’s winner will be the country’s representative in Eurovision 2021 | Televoting is strengthened!

The rules of the 71st Sanremo Song Festival have just been announced. What we are mainly interested in is that in 2021 the winner of the festival will have the opportunity if he or she wishes to represent Italy in Eurovision. Another important change is the strengthening of the telovoting in the results.

Greater speech to the public and new representative for Eurovision

The winner of the Sanremo Festival will have the first say in representing Italy in the Eurovision Song Contest. RAI continues the successful practice that began in 2015, giving the winner the right to represent his country at Eurovision. All participants from the big category will have to submit the relevant responsible statement until the end of the festival, where they will accept or not this right, if they are crowned winners. So, immediately after the end of the final, on Saturday, March 6, and based on the results that will be available, RAI will know who is the representative of Italy in Eurovision 2021.

Another important change introduced in Sanremo 2021 is the strengthening of public voting. The public will vote both on Saturday, on the final night, and on the first two nights. Otherwise, the vote remains as it is. In the first two nights, the demoscopic jury and the public will vote. On the third night, where we will have the tribute to the great Italian composers, the members of the live orchestra and the members of the choir will vote. On the fourth night the press jury will vote and on the final night both the TV audience, the demoscopic jury and the press jury committee will have the right to vote. We remind you that in Sanremo 2020 the public voted only on the final night of the festival.

The detailed program of Sanremo 2021

On the first night, March 2, the first 10 candidate songs of the big category will be presented. The public and the demoscopic jury (300 fans selected with statistics and demographics) will vote from home. At the end of the night there will be a ranking.

On the second night, March 3, the remaining 10 candidate songs of the big category will be presented. The scoring system will be the same as last night.

On the third night, March 4, the 20 candidates will perform either alone or accompanied by one of their own guests, another song, dedicated to the great Italian composers. The members of the orchestra and the vocals will vote. The score will be counted in the final, while a prize will be given to the winner of the night.

On the fourth night, March 5, the 20 contestants will perform for the second time their song. Accredited journalists will rate the 20 entries. At the end of the night, the ranking of the current score will be given.

On the fifth night, March 6, the score is divided into two parts. In the first part there will be a triple rating from the public, the demoscopic jury and the press committee in a ratio of 34% -33% -33%. The average of the score of all previous nights and today will make an overall ranking. The first three will go to the second round of voting.

The votes will be zeroed and a new voting will start with the exact same system (34% televoting, 33% poll committee and 33% press committee). The one who will collect the most votes will also get the golden lion, but also if he wishes he will represent Italy in Eurovision 2021! In case the winner refuses, then the second of the final ranking will be selected etc.

On December 17, RAI will announce the 20 finalists of the big category. Italy is now officially added to the list of countries that will seek their representative again in the Eurovision Song Contest, raising the number of these countries to 13.

We remind you that Diodato was the winner of Sanremo 2020 and representative of Italy at Eurovision 2020, which was finally canceled, with the song Fai Rumore:

Stay tuned to Eurovision Fun for all the news regarding Sanremo 2021!

Source: RAI

Italy: The artists rumored to be participating in Sanremo 2021!

RAI assures that Sanremo 2021 will be held normally with the public on March 2-6, of course observing the necessary protection measures. The big Italian music magazine, All Music Italia, mentions the first rumored names of artists, who we will probably see competing in the Big Category of the Festival.

Among those rumored to be claiming the Sanremo Golden Lion are former winners as well as former participants, some of the biggest names in the country’s music scene. But let’s look at them in detail.

The female presences

The winner of the latest version of Amici di Maria De Filippi, Gaia, is considered almost certain, despite her excellent response on the radio, her debut album did not even turn gold. Other female presences are the experienced ones, Annalisa, Elodie and Nuda. Another chance to claim three singers who became famous through the X Factor, Giusy Ferreri, Noemi and Chiara Galiazzo. Finally, there are some rumors about the return of Francesca Michielin, who in 2016 won second place at the Festival, but represented Italy at Eurovision, as the Stadio winners did not accept the right to represent their country in the competition.

The artists of the new generation

A dynamic presence may be given by artists who are loved by the young audience. Among them is Irama, for the third consecutive year. A surprise that would excite the very young audience could be Fede’s official solo debut or as he is called Federico Rossi. Another debut, this time coming from the world of rap, would be that of Random which, obviously, would have the track ready. Four years after his first appearance, Amadeus seems to want to bring Michele Bravi to Ariston.

The most experienced

There are rumors about the return of the winners of 2018, Ermal Meta and Fabrizio Moro, but as a solo this time. But a return to the Festival seems to be possible for Samuel, Bogo, Leo Gassmann, but also for Gigi D’Alessio.

The bands

The presence of the bands in Sanremo is constant, so this year it is rumored that we will see some of the most successful bands in Italy. Nomadi, The Kolors and Matia Bazar are also likely to be on the Ariston stage in March.

The least likely

Next to the above names that are considered more probable are others, who are just preparing their album and probably their record company will want to send them to the Festival, in order to promote their record work. Among men, for example, Amedeo Minghi, Antonio Maggio, Virginio, Tricarico, Lorenzo Fragola, Alex Britti, Alessio Bernabei and among women Mietta, Paola Turci, Deborah Iurato, Markella, the trio Mariella Nava / Grazia De Michele / Rossana Casale, Nina Zilli, Dolcenera, Rettore, Simona Molinari etc.

Amadeus goals

But Amadeus seems to have three artists high on his list who he is trying to persuade to be in Sanremo. We are talking about three singers who are at the peak of their careers and if it brings either all three or some of them then the interest will increase unbelievably. They are Biagio Antonacci, Luca Carboni and Giorgia.

Of course, as we have already mentioned to you, the announcement of the names will take place in mid-December and until then many things will change and will be overturned. What is certain is that Amadeus has a very difficult task to overcome, since the 54% viewership recorded by Sanremo 2020 is the largest viewership since 1997 and if it wants to surpass it it must have, if nothing else, a list of competitors for everything. musical tastes and this is something he knows well.

Source: All Music Italia

Italy: RAI’s decisions for Sanremo 2021!

Following the ambiguous statements of the artistic director and presenter of the festival, Amadeus and the general director of RAI1, Stefano Coletta, the Italian public television clarifies that Sanremo 2021 will take place with an audience, while describing how this will happen.

In early September, Amadeus said in an interview that RAI did not have a Plan B for Sanremo 2021 and that if the pandemic did not allow the physical presence of the public on the stands of the Teatro Ariston and the members of the live orchestra, then the festival would not take place at all. Then Stefano Coletta, director of RAI1, denied Amadeus, saying that it is not possible to have a year without Sanremo, since there are big contracts with commercials and that what will happen if the festival is not possible in March, is to be postponed for later.

RAI is now clarifying that Sanremo 2021 will take place normally with an audience and even unexpectedly on the dates that have already been announced (March 2-6). The number of the audience that will be in Ariston will be decided later and those who finally manage and secure a ticket, to enter the event must have a negative test for COVID-19, while there will be thermal cameras throughout, for continuous monitoring of suspected cases.

There are many details that still need to be resolved, such as the number of accredited journalists, the arrangement of the members of the live orchestra, etc. The change of dates of Sanremo 2021 will take place only in the last case when it will not be possible for the festival to take place in March.

We remind you that on December 17, in the final night of selection of the six artists (two more will be selected by the AreaSanremo academy) of the “Giovani” category, through the frequency of RAI1 we will find out the names of the candidates in the big category. We are also waiting for the regulations of Sanremo 2021, to see if in 2021 Italy will finally choose its representative in Eurovision through the Festival or if Diodato or another artist will be re-selected, with internal selection.


Italy: Sanremo 2021 will take place whatever it needs. RAI1 director refutes Amadeus statements!

Amadeus, who is the host and artistic director of Sanremo 2021, said in a recent interview that if the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic does not allow the presence of the audience and the members of the live orchestra at the Teatro Ariston, then the festival will not take place at all. The director of RAI1, Stefano Coletta, denies Amadeus, after he clarifies that Sanremo will be held whatever the circumstances regarding the coronavirus. Read more

Italy: Diodato returns to Arena di Verona to sing again “Fai Rumore”!

“The killer” always returns to the crime scene and the same seems to be true for Diodato, who returned to the Arena di Verona to perform Fai Rumore once again at the Seat Music Awards. This time, in fact, there was a presence of the public, observing all the prescribed measures and distances to combat the pandemic of COVID-19. Read more

Italy: Sanremo 2021 will be held with the audiece or will be cancelled | The announcement date of “Campioni” names!

RAI has already announced the dates, the presenter and artistic director of Sanremo 2021, while in the coming days the rules of the 71st Italian Song Festival will be announced. Amadeus, who will be the festival’s presenter and artistic director for the second year in a row, explains that Sanremo will take place normally as we know it and if this is not possible due to the pandemic, then it will not take place at all! Read more

Italy: Artists rumored for Sanremo 2020

In less than two months, the 70th Sanremo Festival will take place, and the winner will be honored to represent Italy at Eurovision 2020. All this time, the media continues to speculate on what artists we will see on stage, in Teatro Ariston, to compete for the “golden lion”.

With a slight delay over previous years, we will find out on January 6 – during the Special Lottery – the names of the 20 participants of the 70th anniversary edition of the festival. Some argue that, given the amount of proposals, their number could increase.

The two biggest music sites in the country (All Music Italia and floral music), which usually fall in the midst of most forecasts, have been rumored for days. So let’s look at the names they mention.

The Eurostars who return

Several former Italian names in the song contest appear to be trying to get back on the Eurovision stage through Sanremo 2020.

The name that definitely stands out is that of Francesco Gabbani who represented Italy at Eurovision 2017 with “Occidentali’s Kara”. For Francesco we informed you again in our previous article. Following the moderate acceptance of his summer single “Altro cosa”, Sanremo is the best way to promote his new job.

Raphael Gualazzi and Nina Zilli also want to join. The first one entered Eurovision in 2011 with second place with “Madness of Love”, the last with “L’amor e femmina” next year, reaching ninth place. The question is whether their record labels – Sugar and Universal – give priority to them and not to some of their other colleagues.

Perhaps the most famous couple on the Italian music scene, Al Bano & Romina, who represented Italy twice at Eurovision (1976 and 1985), both winning seventh place, return to Ariston 30 years later.

Two other eurostars likely to compete at Sanremo 2020, though only as composers, are Mahmood, this year’s Eurovision essential triumph, with a track written for Chiara Galiazzo and Fabrizio Moro, who won fifth place in 2018 together with Ermal Meta, and will sign Noemi’s participation.

The other names

Among the names we might see at Sanremo 2020 is Matteo Bocelli, his son Andrea, who could begin his solo career, where it all began for his father.

Irama, considered a favorite in 2019 and possibly disappointed by the seventh place he eventually received, and Elodie, are likely to try in 2020 as well.

A band beloved by fans of the competition in 2018, The Kolors will strive for something better than the eighth place they took then.

The names of Federica Carta and Riccardo “Riki” Marcuzzo are also mentioned, though they will be chosen only if they have a very strong song.

Giusy Ferreri will be present as either a performer or a songwriter, and is already looking for a song that will stand out at the Sanremo festival, as she has not been able to stand out in all her previous entries.

Last but not least, Anastasio, the last winner of the X Factor, is among the candidates. The rapper is called to release his debut album. A participation in the Sanremo Festival will be the appropriate advertisement for both his record label and March tour, which he has already announced.

The 70th Sanremo Song Festival will take place at Teatro Ariston in the small town of Liguria, San Remo, from February 4 to February 8, 2020.

Image/Source: eurofestivalnews

Italy: €40 million in advertising revenue for Sanremo 2020 broadcasts

RAI and the new artistic director of the Sanremo Festival, Amadeus, are in a fever pitch to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the historic music festival. As the Italian public television announced recently, the advertising time during the 5-day broadcast of the Sanremo 2020 has already been sold, for a record price of 40 million Euros!

The advertising time during the broadcasts of the 70th Sanremo Italian Song Festival costs approx. 12.000 per second! Of course the exclusive rights of Sanremo are reserved by RAI, which proves that a public television can be both competitive, commercial, and quality!

Advertising time has been sold for all five nights of the festival. RAI earns a record $ 40 million and is the most expensive television time in the country!

The Mediterranean RAI exemplifies in other similar public TVs that when you invest somewhere over time, producing a good result, then you have a program, but you also have income.

We remind you that the 20 artists of the Campioni category of the Sanremo 2020 will be announced in a special show by Amadeus on January 6th. The 70th Sanremo Song Festival will take place at Teatro Ariston in the small town of Liguria, San Remo, from February 4 to February 8, 2020.

Source: RAI

Italy: Nicola Caligiore resigns as Head of Delegation

According to what became publicly, Nicola Caligiore resigned from RAI and subsequently from his  posts in Italian public broadcaster. This means that he is leaving the post of Head of Delegation, but also of the Reference Group, of which he was a member.

This is certainly an unpleasant development, as Nicola Caligiore was essentially the soul of the contest in Italy and was the main reason RAI decided in 2011 to return to Eurovision. Within a few years, he managed to get Eurovision at quite high viewing rates and increase domestic interest, sending out standings that were almost always in the top three. In the nine years since returning to Italy, RAI has won two second and one third place, with four more in the top ten. A key element of this success was the reconnection of the Sanremo Festival with the Eurovision Contest.

We look forward to his replacement, both in the position of Head of delegation and in the Reference Group. Montenegro’s head of delegation, Sabrija Vulic, was the first runner-up in the election for the Reference Group’s elected members last March. The fact that Montenegro is not participating in Eurovision 2020 is not a problem, as its public television is normally an active member of EBU.

What remains to be seen now is whether the resignation of Nicola Caligiore is related to the claim of the EBU Executive Supervisor position, as is likely the case of the resignation of Czech Head of Mission, Jan Bors.

Source: HOD45